Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

The Broken Coast is a subzone in The Elder Scrolls Online. It is the western of the three subzones in Malabal Tor, reaching from Velyn Harbor in the west to Dra'bul in the east. The Broken Coast is the first subzone of Malabal Tor the Vestige is likely to visit before the Xylo River Basin that borders it to the east and Silvenar Vale further east.


Main article: Malabal Tor#Locations


Main article: Malabal Tor#Quests
Zone Quest Icon Zone quests
Zone Quest Icon Pointer quests
Online Quest Icon Side quests


  • Alalura – A traveler on the road having trouble lighting their camp fire during random encounters.
  • Guilion – A traveling merchant on the from Velyn Harbor east leading north to Ilayas Ruins Wayshrine.
  • Lionora Two-Tongue – A beggar on the road who can be donated to during random encounters.
  • Mylis – A traveler on the road having trouble lighting their campfire during random encounters.
  • Teldryni – A merchant with a horse on the road who can be robbed at random encounters.



