Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Brulak is an Orsimer found at a shrine west of Morkul Stronghold.


Corgrak's Cairn[]

Brulak will ask the Vestige to recover his grandfather's helm from Morkul Descent.


Corgak's Cairn

"My grandfather's cairn. He wanted it out in the field, open to the sky. He loved this land. Wish his helm had been recovered. Feels incomplete."

His helm? "Custom to place the arms and armor on a fallen warrior's cairn. Grandfather fell not far from here. Managed to retrieve his body, but saw an ogre with his helm. Want to go back for it, but ... it's a big ogre."
Where was it lost? "In Morkul Descent, not too far. Saw it on the big one with the most dung smeared on him. Might be the chief? Grandfather used to stamp his name on his armor. Should say 'Corgak' inside."
Is this it? I found an old helm in the caverns. (If the helm was already found.) "Grandfather's helm! Took it from that ogre's hands, huh?"
I killed the ogre chieftain who held it. "So you returned the helm and slew the creature that took his life. Huh. You did Corgak a great honor. Here, he'd want you to have this. Walk in Malacath's shadow."



  • "Here, grandfather—a proper cairn to see you off and your death avenged by a true warrior. May your soul be forged into Malacath's blade." – After completing "Corgak's Cairn"

