Bug off! is a repeatable prologue quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online. The Vestige is asked by Jee-Lar to gather materials for a contact to make bug repellent candles for Cyrodilic Collections to use as part of their expedition to Murkmire. The quest is available after completing the initial Murkmire prologue quest "The Cursed Skull" and can be repeated once a day.
Jee-Lar needs bug repellent candles for Cyrodilic Collections' explorers in Murkmire. He requested that I gather materials so his contact, Tamira Dobar, can create these candles.
- Collect Superior Dreugh Wax (x3)
- Collect Ash Basil Leaves (x3)
- Talk to Tamira Dobar
- Light the Repellent
- Talk to Tamira Dobar
- Talk to Jee-Lar
Talk to Jee-Lar in Stormhold, Shadowfen, next to Nielsold's Steeds by the wayshrine to begin the quest. He will explain that Tamira Dobar is able to make candles that can repel insects in Black Marsh, but she will need you to collect some ingredients.
What can I do to help? "We have a problem. Bugs. You see, the air in homeland is often thick with swarms of biting insects. Luckily, I have made contact with a candlemaker named Tamira Dobar. Her products are guaranteed to keep even the largest bugs at bay!"
- What do you need me to do? "Tamira needs superior dreugh wax and ash basil leaves to create her candles. You can find both in Stonefalls. Once you gather the items, deliver them to her workshop in Davon's Watch. Bring me a batch of her candles, and be quick-quick!"
- All right, I'll gather the materials to create these candles.
Head to Stonefalls to find both the superior dreugh wax and ash basil leaves; you will need three of each. Both the superior dreugh wax and ash basil can be found at Vivec's Antlers west of Ebonheart; the wax can be looted from dead dreugh and the leaves can be found on the shoreline. Once three of each has been collected, head to the city of Davon's Watch on the east coast to find and speak to Tamir Dobar. She is located by a wagon across from the Fighters Guildhall and she will instruct you to light the candle she has prepared.
"Phew! I recognize that smell. You must be Jee-Lar's assistant. You clearly found the ash basil. Did you bring the dreugh wax as well?"
- Yes. I have the ash basil and the dreugh wax. Here you go. "Good. Ugh! I typically deal in scented lotions. These leaves… by the Three, they smell like a dead Orc's armpit. I hope you didn't rub any of this on your clothes. Anyway, thanks for replenishing my supplies. I have a few candles ready for you."
- Thank you. Farewell. ""Wait! Wait, wait—you do want to test them before you leave, right? I mean, it's only fair that I prove their potency! Just light that candle over there when I give the signal. Are you ready?"
- Ready? I guess so.
- Thank you. Farewell. ""Wait! Wait, wait—you do want to test them before you leave, right? I mean, it's only fair that I prove their potency! Just light that candle over there when I give the signal. Are you ready?"
As soon as you finish speaking with her, a swarm of insect will appear, and Tamira will shout for you to light the candle. Upon doing so, the insects will disperse and you can talk to Tamira a final time.
"Oh, why the sour face? It's just a bit of fun! Anyway, that candle's pretty remarkable, right?"
- I guess so. "Be sure to tell Jee-Lar, all right. If I know Black Marsh, he'll definitely need more before long. Farewell."
After you finish speaking with Tamira, you can return to Jee-Lar in Shadowfen with the repellent candle to complete the quest. Another Cyrodilic Collections quest will become available the next time the daily server clock resets.
"You return! Was your task a success?"
- Yes. Here are your repellent candles. "Well, that was quick-quick! Thank you, my friend. I also want to thank you for handling Tamira. I hear she can be difficult to work with. But, as they say, an aged wamasu has the longest fangs. Wait, they do say that, right?"
- Cyrodilic Collections Daily Contract Recompense
- 73–302
- 508–7,485
Bug Off! |
Journal Entry |
I should gather superior dreugh wax and ash basil leaves. I can find both in Stonefalls.
I gathered the materials for making the bug repellent candles. I should bring them to Tamira Dobar in Davon's Watch.
Tamira wanted to test the effectiveness of the candle and unleashed a swarm of bugs on me! I should light the candle and make sure it works as intended.
The bug repellent candle seems to work. I should talk to Tamira Dobar.
Tamira Dobar gave me the bug repellent candles. I should deliver them to Jee-Lar.
- Completing 1, 10, and 30 repeatable quests for Cyrodilic Collections will grant the Cyrodilic Collections Associate, Agent, and Champion achievements, respectively.