Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"This Guild is going to hell in a hogcart. Look at what they give me? Keld of the Isles? Ohtimbar? Both Guardian rank? Pha! Useless"
―Burz gro-Khash[src]

Burz gro-Khash runs the Fighters Guild in Cheydinhal and is one of the main sources of contracts for members. He wields a leveled mace. He is family friends with Lord Rugdumph gro-Shurgak of Lord Rugdumph's Estate, northwest of Cheydinhal. He can be found in the Guild hall or wandering the city.


The Desolate Mine[]

Burz has given the Hero a contract to deliver a weapons shipment to Fighters Guild members in the Desolate Mine northwest of Cheydinhal.

Amelion's Debt[]

Burz sends the Hero to Biene Amelion at the Water's Edge settlement to retrieve a sword and a specific piece of armor for her.

The Fugitives[]

There has been a prison break in Bravil. The Hero has to find and kill the escaped convicts.

The Noble's Daughter[]

Burz wants the Hero to help an old family friend of his, Lord Rugdumph gro-Shurgak, at Lord Rugdumph's Estate near Lake Arrius. Head there and talk to Lord Rugdumph, apparently, his daughter, Lady Rogbut gra-Shurgak, has gone missing and they must find her.

Mystery at Harlun's Watch[]

Burz wants the Hero to travel to the village of Harlun's Watch and find out more about some mysterious disappearances among the townsfolk there.


"What do you want? A job? If you want it from me, you'll have to join the Fighter's Guild. Not that I'm sure you can cut it."

Cheydinhal "The guild is going to hell in a hogcart. Look at what they give me? Keld of the Isles? Ohtimbar? Both Guardian rank? Phah! Useless."
Fighters Guild "I love being in the guild. There's money to be made. If you'd like to join up, let me know."

Joining the Fighter's Guild[]

"What do you want? A job? If you want it from me, you'll have to join the Fighter's Guild. Not that I'm sure you can cut it."

Join the Fighters Guild "The Fighters Guild is always looking for new members. If you've got a clean record, and don't have a bounty on your head, we may be able to use you. Are you interested in joining?"
I'm not interested. "Fine by me. No great loss. Let me know if you change your mind, though. We can always use fresh meat."
Yes. Sign me up. "Good, I guess. You're now an Associate in the Fighters Guild. Report to me or Azzan in Anvil for contracts. And don't screw up."
Advancement "You will advance through the ranks of the Fighters Guild when you have proven your merit. As you complete contracts and fulfill your duties, you'll be promoted to the next station, accepting the associated duties and responsibilities. Be aware, though, that your rank can be stripped for failure to uphold the tenets of the guild, or at the sole discretion of the guildmaster."
Advancement "I'm sorry. You're not yet ready for a promotion. Keep completing contracts, and take care of any assigned duties."
Show: The Desolate Mine
In the Cheydinhal Fighters Guild:

"You here looking for work, meat? Maybe you want a contract?"

Contract "I suppose I've got something for you. We need a weapons shipment delivered to Desolate Mine. That's your job."

"Move your ass, boot."

After dealing with the goblins:

"Haven't you taken care of that weapons shipment yet? Those weapons won't deliver themselves!"

Contract "You got the weapons there and cleared the mine with no casualties. Better than I expected from you. Here's your reward, and a little bonus."
Contract "Nothing now. Not at your rank. Go see Azzan. In Anvil. Maybe he's got something."

If one or more companions died:

"Haven't you taken care of that weapons shipment yet? Those weapons won't deliver themselves!"

Contract "Well, you got the weapons there, but there were casualties after. Do better in the future, or don't come to me for work. Here's your reward."
Show: Amelion's Debt
In the Cheydinhal Fighters Guild:

"I've got another contract for you, meat. I assume you won't embarrass yourself."

Contract "It's from Biene Amelion at the Water's Edge settlement. She needs something retrieved from her ancestral tomb. Try not to muck it up."
Biene Amelion "You'll find her at the Water's Edge settlement. It's marked on your map."

"Haul your carcass to that settlement, meat."

After returning the Armor and Sword to Biene Amelion:

"You need to finish out the contract with Biene Amelion in Water's Edge. What's the status?"

Biene Amelion "Got a sword and armor for her, huh? Not bad work, meat. Here's your payment for the contract."

If decided to pay the debt:

"You need to finish out the contract with Biene Amelion in Water's Edge. What's the status?"

Biene Amelion "Paid her debt off yourself, did you? Not gonna get rich that way, meat. Still, the job's done. Here's your payment."
Show: The Fugitives
In the Cheydinhal Fighters Guild:

"What can I do for you, meat? Need something to do?"

Contract "I've got something for you. Could be tough. There are some escaped fugitives for you to find, meat."
Prison Break "Some real hard cases got out of the Bravil prison. Been terrorizing the locals ever since. The Watch is useless, so we step in. Get to it."
Fugitives "Apparently, there are three or four of them. Real nasty, from what I hear. You take care of them. Maybe you'll get luck and they surrender."

"Find the fugitives. Make yourself useful."

If approached again:

"You've got a contract to take care of. Why are you talking to me?"
"Get to hunting, meat."

After killing the fugitives:

"You've got a contract to take care of. Why are you talking to me?"

Prison Break "Took care of all of them, did you? And you're still alive. Fantastic. You're full of surprises. Here's your payment. Good work."
Show: The Noble's Daughter
In the Cheydinhal Fighters Guild:

"I assume you're back for more work, because I don't see a big need to chat with you."

Contract "I've got more for you. Important stuff, actually. You need to go talk to Lord Rugdumph."
Lord Rugdumph "He's an Orcish noble. A fine man. Our families go back a bit. Anyway, his daughter is missing. Head to his estate and talk to him. Find his daughter. And mind your manners! I don't want you embarrassing me!"
Lady Rogbut "A fine model of an Orcish woman. Now go find her. And don't be rude, or she'll rip your ears off."

"Go help Lord Rugdumph. And wipe that smile off your face!"

Upon completion of the quest:

"You need to go find Lady Rogbut, meat! Why are you standing here talking to me?"

Lady Rogbut "You got her back in one piece? Good work! I've always liked that girl. May have to look her up sometime. Here's your payment."
Show: Mystery at Harlun's Watch
In the Cheydinhal Fighters Guild:

"Here for more work? I've got one more contract for you."

Contract "I've got one more for you, meat. I assume you can handle it. I need you to investigate some disappearances at Harlun's Watch."
Disappearances "Some folks are missing in Harlun's Watch. We've been contracted to find out what's happened. Speak to Drarana Thelis for all the details. Get going."

"Stop wasting time. Get to Harlun's Watch. Now."

Upon completion of the quest:

"Thought I sent you to Harlun's Watch."
"You're supposed to be helping out the folks at Harlun's Watch. What's the status?"

Contract "You were supposed to check out those disappearances at Harlun's Watch. What's the status?"
Disappearances "Trolls, huh? And drawn in by will-o-the-wisps? There's some lousy luck for you. Well, here's your payment. Afraid to say, I don't have any more contracts for you. I don't think Azzan has any, either. You did pretty good work, meat."
Contract "I've got nothing else for you."
Advancement "There's really no more I can promote you. After all, you do outrank me."

If approached again:

"I'm sorry to tell you, but there are no more contracts to be had. As you know, business hasn't been good due to the Blackwood Company. And.... you didn't hear it from me, but I think you should speak with Oreyn. Now. He'd like your help with a couple things."


  • "I'm Burz gro-Khash, and I'm in charge of this Saint Jiub's Fair. All I need is clowns, monkeys, and jugglers. No. Wait... just need jugglers..."


