Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

For other uses, see Buyer Beware.

Buyer Beware is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online.


A Khajiiti merchant calling himself Jurak-dar claims to have found a way inside Belarata, a long-sealed Ayleid ruin.


  1. Talk to Jurak-dar
  2. Persuade Customers to Leave
  3. Talk to Jurak-dar
  4. Follow Jurak-dar
  5. Observe the Ritual
  6. Enter the Ruin
  7. Talk to Jurak-dar
  8. Release the Barrier


In Vulkwasten, you will encounter a Khajiit named Bataba. She will tell you that someone named Jurak-dar has found a way into the Ayleid Ruin of Belarata, to the southeast. He is now selling trinkets found there.

Head to Belarata and speak with Jurak-dar. He will tell you that he will show you how to get into Belarata, if you can get the dissatisfied customers around him to leave him alone. Gerwen can be bribed or intimidated; Oltimbar can be bribed or persuaded. Finally, talk to Manilbor; Jurak-dar sold him an orb that he used to prank his brother, but the brother was hit by lightning immediately. Manilbor will get the orb for you, but will get struck by lightning immediately, and will leave.

Once all the customers are dealt with, speak with Jurak-dar and he will mention someone in the ruins giving the items to him. If persuaded, he will say that there is a ghost down there that thinks he is her lover, and who gives him all of these things. Either way, he will show you the door, and perform a ritual to open it using a poem on an enchanted sword. Head inside and talk to Jurak-dar there. He will tell you that to remove the barrier here, you need to recite poetry, like he did to open the door. He will give the sword to you, and tell you to look for additional lines of poetry throughout this room.

Jurak-dar will head further in to distract the ghost, but without the sword, Elanwe will recognise that he is not her lover. Look around the room and you will find three scraps of parchment; these will contain the poetry you need; recite them in the following order to the barrier and it should disappear:

"<A wall of light shimmers before you.>"

For many years I've lain beneath these stony walls, this weathered heath. "<A pale light creeps into the barrier, illuminating the room.>"
Ten long years you were astray, with sword in hand so far away. "<With each word, the light intensifies, filling the chamber.>"
Those nine long years we spent in joy seemed but to you a child's toy. "<As the pillar intensifies, the barrier begins to fail.>"

The spirit of Varondil will appear instead; speak with him and he will tell you that he is in fact Elanwe's lover, trapped here for eternity. He will ask you to give him the sword, so that he may set himself and Elanwe free. After giving it to him, he will go up to her and speak with her, and they will both ascend into Aetherius. Speak with Jurak-dar hereafter to finish the quest.


  • Blade of the Ayleid King
  • 1 Skill Point
  • 91–377 Gold


QuestMapMarker01 This section is missing a journal entry.

