Caddach of the Blackdrake clan, also known as The Despot of Markarth and Ard Caddach[1], was a Reachman who ruled Markarth and the eastern Reach during the Second Era.[2]
By game[]
Caddach became ruler of Markarth after he was appointed Imperial governer by Emperor Moricar in 2E 559 to both rule the city and maintain the peace between the clans of the Reach.[1][3]After his cousin, Emperor Leovic, lost his throne in 2E 573[4]Caddach rid himself of his Imperial title and assumed the Reach title of Ard, meaning "King of the Fort".[1] Almost immediately after giving himself the title of Ard, he took to exterminating the surviving members of the Blackdrake clan to secure his hold of the city against any potential rivals. In doing so, he threw them off the highest walls of the city.[1][5]
Sometime between 2E 573 and 2E 582, Councilor Itinia sent Helvar Tarperian to Markarth with a letter requesting Caddach travel to Cyrodiil and accept the title of Emperor due to him the final surviving member of the Blackdrake clan. Refusing this, Caddach grabbed the agent and dangled her over the walls of Markarth exclaiming he is the final member of the Blackdrake clan as he threw his kin from atop the walls they stood on after they wished to venture to Cyrodiil to retrieve the title of Emperor. He stated the only time he would return to Cyrodiil is if he was invading.[5]
In 2E 582, Caddach accepted the help of the Vestige, the Reach witch Arana and Count Verandis Ravenwatch defeating Rada al-Saran and his advisor Lady Belain, saving Markarth from the Gray Host.[2]