Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

See also: Calion's Husk

Calion, initially known as the Pale Sentinel when first met, is a friendly wraith found at the Ossuary of Telacar in Grahtwood. He is the son of Telacar and Vastarie.


Calion was originally the young Altmer son of Telacar and Vastarie many years prior to 2E 461. The family had abandoned the tenets of Mannimarco, hoping to live a peaceful life. However, Calion died an unfortunately young age. While Vastarie grieved for their loss, Telacar grieved for what might have been, hoping to train Calion as their own apprentice. He did not take Calion's death well, and fashioned a flesh atronach out of the boy's body, hoping to research and imbue Calion's spirit into it. Vastarie was horrified of what he had done, and imprisoned Telacar within his Ossuary, hoping that after a decade he might change his mind.[1]


The Unquiet Dead[]

Members of the Mages Guild have been attacked while trying to enter the Ossuary of Telacar. The Pale Sentinel asks Vestige to free him from Telacar. After meeting Telacar, it is revealed that he is Calion's father, and that he is trying to turn him into a flesh atronach so that he can live again. It becomes the decision of the Vestige to free Calion's spirit or to have him resurrected so he can live again.


The Unquiet Dead

After pacifying him:

"Stop! Don't make me go back. I was so close to escaping him forever!"

Escaping from who? "Telacar. A bad man, who sleeps inside these ruins. When he wakes, I'll be trapped here forever. I'll do everything I can to get away!"
Is that why you attacked the Mages Guild acolytes? "I did not! Telacar's servants hurt those people. They don't like you if you aren't from here. When he wakes, he'll control them completely. Just like me."
Why should I trust you? "The bone scepter holds power over Telacar's monsters. Over me. I can't lie to you. Besides, lying is wrong."
Who are you? "One of Telacar's victims. But I don't have to be. If you can free me before he wakes, I'll leave. Then he'll go back to sleep, forever!"
Then I'll do what I can to set you free. "Hooray! Follow me inside the ruin. We don't want the shades to hear us. They're his spies, you know."
All right, I'll follow you inside.
I'm not sure I should help you. "I understand. I'm a monster. Nobody listens to monsters. But … if Telacar wakes, he might do bad things to people who live in the forest. I don't want that to happen, not because of me. I want him to go back to sleep."
I'll keep him from waking, but that's all. [?]

Inside the Ossuary, if "Eyes of Azura" has been completed:

"Shhh … be quiet in here. Telacar's servants don't like things with blood inside them. And they really don't like noise."

How can we keep Telacar from waking? "There's a big sparkly door inside the Constellation Room. It's this big lock Vastarie made, to keep him asleep inside. She doesn't come around anymore. I think that's why the door isn't so sparkly."
I've met Vastarie. "You did? That's wonderful! Is she doing all right? Did she mention me? Where is she now?"
The last I saw her, she was in her tower. "Oh. Well, maybe I can visit one day. You know, when I'm free. After we strengthen the lock, so Telacar sleeps forever."
How do we strengthen the lock? "Vastarie left three of the things we need in special rooms around the ruins. The fourth is stuck inside some of Telacar's servants. If you smash them open, I won't tell. But about all the pieces … I don't know how to make them work together. I'm sorry."
Where are these special rooms? "That's easy. The Moaning Room, the Smelly Room, and … the Forbidden Room! But don't worry, I can keep you safe. We should just go there. I'll point out what we need."
How can you keep me safe? "I can distract Telacar's servants. Point the bone scepter at one of them and I'll blind it. Then you can smack it until it falls down. Don't worry, it's not like you're hurting it. They get back up again, eventually."
I want to know what I'm looking for. "Oh, all right. The most important thing is the book Vastarie wrote in when she locked the door. We need to find that so we know what to do in the Constellation Room."
What else do we need? "There's an old skull Telacar stole from Mannimarco. Then there's a glowy vial. I don't know what's inside, but if you listen real close you can hear whispers. Oh, and milky rocks. You'll find those inside some of Telacar's servants."

While in chains:

"I—it hurts ….

After hearing Telacar's side of the story:

"No … please, you can't make me be a monster again!

What do you want, Calion? "I don't want to be here anymore. It hurt when I was a monster, it hurt worse than these chains. I want my father to sleep so I can go away."
How can I make your father sleep? "I don't know. I wish you could use the bone scepter on him. Point it at his body, there on the throne, and tell him to go to sleep. Then I could finally leave."
Where would you go? "Far away from here, somewhere safe and warm. Somewhere where I'd have friends."
Vastarie returned to Laeloria. You could go there. "Do you think I could go there? Would she be happy to see me? Or would it be like the last time, when she thought I was a monster? I don't want to be a monster. Please, make my father go back to sleep, so I can be free."

After putting Telacar to sleep:

"You did it. You did it! I'm free, I'm finally free! Thank you, thank you!"

What will you do now? "I don't know. But whatever it is, I'll be far away from here. Telacar can't hurt me anymore. Here, I can open a portal so you can be with your friends. Tell them I'm sorry about the shades. As long as they stay away, they should be fine."


The Unquiet Dead

Pale Sentinel: "Something's happening! I think it's working!" Telacar: "How dare you intrude within my …. What? It's you!" Pale Sentinel: "No! Let me go!" Telacar: "You there, explain yourself! What are you doing in my home?"


  • "Leave this place! I won't let you wake him!" – When first approaching him
  • "The bone scepter? No! Please don't wake him!" – After pacifying him
  • "Behold … the Forbidden Room! I come here to think sometimes. It's where Vastarie left the book she wrote in when she put Telacar to sleep." – Upon entering the Forbidden Room
  • "It's the Smelly Room. That glowy vial lit the hallways when Vastarie carried it back from the Constellation Room." – Upon entering the Smelly Room
  • "I don't like the Moaning Room. All the servants used to live in the cages. But Vastarie brought that old skull back here, I'm sure of it." – Upon entering the Moaning Room
  • "That's the last of them! We have all the pieces. We should go to the Constellation Room and put Telacar back to sleep!" – After collecting all the items
  • "No, please! I don't want to stay here!" – Upon being captured by Telacar


  • Though deceased and appearing as a wraith, Calion is technically the only child in the game.


