- For other uses, see Camonna Tong.
The Camonna Tong is an illegal criminal organization which operates out of Morrowind and around Tamriel.
In The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, players will often come across Camonna Tong operations: several of their operatives work in various caves scattered across Vvardenfell, and they are an obstacle to certain objectives players must achieve. Players cannot join the faction: even Dunmer characters are outlanders (player-character Dunmer are not native to Morrowind) and therefore opponents of the Camonna Tong. Their effects are felt nevertheless, though: later Thieves Guild and Fighters Guild missions involve the war between the crime factions, and on occasion Camonna Tong members will give players missions to accomplish, though completing these does not affect one's influence on the syndicate. Additionally, at one point in the game, players who ask around for rumors may be told that an old general is looking to meet them. Speaking with him provides players with a mission to kill several Camonna Tong members in the Balmora council club. There is also a small camp on the eastern end of Cyrodiil in Oblivion (Walker Camp) that has two Camonna Tong operatives occupying it, despite the fact that they operate almost entirely in Morrowind. These operatives are in fact part of a skooma smuggling operation, and do not attack, unless aggravated, otherwise being friendly, and can be considered an Easter Egg.
Orvas Dren[]
The head of the Camonna Tong during the time in which Morrowind takes place is Orvas Dren, who is the brother of the Duke of Vvardenfell, Vedam Dren. Through the Camonna Tong he controls part of House Hlaalu, including two councillors, and some magistrates in Balmora, House Hlaalu's capital on Vvardenfell. In a note to some of his lackeys, Orvas Dren reveals that his brother is getting in the way of some of the Camonna Tong’s operations and that he wishes him to be assassinated. Orvas Dren ultimately becomes an obstacle in Morrowind, as his influence of House Hlaalu prevents the Nerevarine from being declared Hortator of Hlaalu and he must be killed, bribed, or blackmailed to neutralize this problem. This leads to a bug in some versions of the game, as non-Hlaalu players may use a dialogue about Orvas Dren to join House Hlaalu and elevate themselves directly to the highest rank-even if the player had already joined House Redoran or Telvanni. This allows one to hold the highest rank in two Great Houses, and possibly build both strongholds.
Dren Plantation[]
- Orvas Dren (leader)
- Mathesa Helvi
Vivec City[]
Sadrith Mora[]
- Nevrila Areloth (local leader)
- Llevas Fels
- Meder Nulen
- Minasi Bavani
- Banor Seran
- Dranas Dradas
- Madrale Thirith
- Marasa Aren
- Sovor Trandel
- Tedryn Brenur
- Thanelen Velas
- Vadusa Sathryon
Gnaar Mok[]
- Daren Adryn (local leader)
- Anas Ulven
- Selvura Andrano
- Sodrara Andalas