Camp Tamrith is a camp situated in the region of Rivenspire. It is home to many characters, some of which are refugees from nearby Crestshade.
In the Doghouse[]
Notable items[]
- Captain's Orders – In the biggest tent
- List of Targets – In the ruins to the east, required for "The Assassin's List"
- Rasaba's Note – In the ruins to the east, during "The Assassin's List"
- The Doors of Oblivion, Part 1 – Lorebook. In a cart near the Camp Tamrith Wayshrine
- Abadi
- Achibert Lemal
- Blynnie Jutras
- Bogodug
- Captain Janeve
- Claudelle Sansone
- Colbois Benichou
- Countess Eselde Tamrith
- Darien Gautier
- Kargnuth
- Florenot Eniel
- Gralturg
- Guymund Alinie
- Ignobert Ervine
- Izradi
- Kargnuth
- Leseph Restane
- Lieutenant Sgugh
- Lucette Barbe
- Marnest Barclay
- Michel Gette (Quest Giver)
- Mizou Jutras
- Nathalye Ervine confirmation needed
- Paulemond Alinie
- Romaire Benichou
- Sahabih
- Shornhelm Soldier
- Snilga
- Sosil Moorcroft
- Stephenn Sansone
- Sybille Eniel