Captain Landare is an Altmer captain of the Aldmeri Dominion. She is found in the city of Dawnbreak on Auridon.
Landare is a member of the First Auridon Marines, a special force of Aldmeri Dominion troops.
Through the Ashes[]
As the residing authority in the town, she charges the Vestige with the responsibility of trying to save the missing citizens of Dawnbreak, as she cannot spare any Marines to help with search efforts for them.
To Firsthold[]
Captain Landare will send the Vestige to Firsthold to warn them of High Kinlady Estre's plot.
Through the Ashes[]
At the start of the quest:
"Hold. Dawnbreak is in the middle of an evacuation. No one's allowed back in."
- What's going on here? "Daedra. Poor town was devastated by the beasts. We managed to crush the assault, but the place is still a mess. We need to get the villagers clear so recovery efforts can begin."
- Any way I can pitch in? "Certainly! I appreciate the help. I was going to send a squad for these citizens. Got a list here. Meet me at the manor house in the middle of town when you've mustered them out."
- Consider it done. "Good luck in there, and mind the Banekin. They're like little Daedric rats."
- Why'd the Daedra attack here? "Only Auri-El knows. Dawnbreak's a supply stop between Firsthold and Skywatch, no different than any other town in Auridon. Just glad the High Kinlady wasn't here when they hit. She left an hour or two before we saw the first Daedra."
- Estre's a traitor. She's the Veiled Queen! "No! Truly? Thrice-be-damned is she. If she's capable of that kind of treachery, perhaps she had a hand in what's happening here."
- Why'd the Daedra attack here? "Only Auri-El knows. Dawnbreak's a supply stop between Firsthold and Skywatch, no different than any other town in Auridon. Just glad the High Kinlady wasn't here when they hit. She left an hour or two before we saw the first Daedra."
- Consider it done. "Good luck in there, and mind the Banekin. They're like little Daedric rats."
- Any way I can pitch in? "Certainly! I appreciate the help. I was going to send a squad for these citizens. Got a list here. Meet me at the manor house in the middle of town when you've mustered them out."
After rescuing the townsfolk:
"I saw some of the townsfolk making for the cordon. How did it go?"
- I freed all I could. Almion, Elannie's father, was already dead. "Poor girl. Thank you, for what you could do. In the meantime, I've sent out patrols to hunt down any remaining Daedra. They should report back soon."
- Anything else I can do while I'm here? "Perhaps. There's—"
After Sergeant Artinaire's report:
"Well, this isn't good."
- What's the next move? "Get out there and look for our patrols. They'll need relief. I need to oversee the defense here. May Auri-El preserve us, all."
- I'll find them.
In the cave:
"Good. You're here. This is Qoramir, my patrol leader. He isn't having a good day."
- What did he find? "There are a pair of Dremora further up in the cave. They're preparing another mass summoning as we speak. It's up to you. I can't leave Qoramir here like this."
- I'll take care of them, Captain. "Thanks. You were right, by the way. Estre's not just Veiled Heritance—she's a thrice-damned cultist as well! Qor overheard the High Kinlady talking to these Daedra by magical sending."
- Another crime for the magistrates. I'll track her after we deal with these Daedra. "Good. Meantime, I'm going to get Qor here back to the manor. Meet us there."
- See you there, Captain.
- Another crime for the magistrates. I'll track her after we deal with these Daedra. "Good. Meantime, I'm going to get Qor here back to the manor. Meet us there."
- I'll take care of them, Captain. "Thanks. You were right, by the way. Estre's not just Veiled Heritance—she's a thrice-damned cultist as well! Qor overheard the High Kinlady talking to these Daedra by magical sending."
After dealing with the Dremora:
"My new friend! You live. I was hoping. As you can see, we received reinforcements. The Dremora have been dispatched?"
- The ritual is broken. There won't be another attack. "Thrice-blessed are we. I couldn't have asked Urcelmo for a better Marine. What of Estre? Did you learn anything more?"
- Dawnbreak was a distraction. Firsthold is Estre's true target. "I had a feeling things would get worse. We need to get word to Lord Rilis of Firsthold. And fast."
- Can you get a warning there in time? "We'll just have to see, won't we? In any case. For the lads and lasses here—thank you."
- Dawnbreak was a distraction. Firsthold is Estre's true target. "I had a feeling things would get worse. We need to get word to Lord Rilis of Firsthold. And fast."
To Firsthold[]
"I hope we're in time."
- I can go to Firsthold if you no longer need me here. "I was hoping you'd offer. Firsthold is just a short journey from here. Follow the road to the northwest, and bring the news to one of the Marines there, if not Urcelmo himself."
- I'll get there as fast as I can.
To Dawnbreak[]
Canonreeve Sinyon: "And Pirtar. He's the last." Captain Landare: "All right. We'll find them."
Through the Ashes[]
After saving the townsfolk:
Sergeant Artinaire: "Captain Landare!" Captain Landare: "Artinaire? Report!" Sergeant Artinaire: "It's the Daedra, Captain! They've returned in force! We've been overrun. I barely made it back. We—" Captain Landare: "Arti! What happened?" Sergeant Artinaire: "They're back, Captain. The patrols may not last long!" Captain Landare: "Curse this town!"
In the cave:
Qoramir: "We failed." Captain Landare: "Hush, Qor. Just rest."