Captain Vari Warhammer is a Nord officer of the Ebonheart Pact. She is sent as an envoy by Jorunn the Skald-King to alert the Vestige of the events taking place in Trolhetta.
To the King[]
To the King[]
"I'd heard rumors you were here, stirring up trouble. Fortunately, you're easier to find than I expected."
- What's wrong? "Jorunn the Skald-King led the bulk of our army to Trolhetta, but there's a snag. The Worms have dug in. We'll root them out, don't worry. But it's taking time.
Jorunn sent me to update you. Apparently, you're important."- The cult hopes to gather the shards of Wuuthrad. They managed to find one here. "That must be what they're after! Stall us at Trolhetta. Gather the shards and grow in power.
We need those shards. Jorunn has things well in hand at Trolhetta. Find as many shards you can, as you make your way to the mountain."- I'll do what I can.
- The cult hopes to gather the shards of Wuuthrad. They managed to find one here. "That must be what they're after! Stall us at Trolhetta. Gather the shards and grow in power.
- She can also be found nearby Honrich Tower Wayshrine, during the quest, Shattered Hopes.
- She can also be found in Deldwine's Inn, Fort Amol, Eastmarch.