"What do you want? Is this about the East Empire Company? I'm a very important man, I'll have you know, and I have no time for anything other than business."
As the main questline progresses, the Nerevarine will have to choose between Falco Galenus and Carnius. Regardless of the choice, Carnius ends up the primary antagonist of the questline by its final quest.
"What do you want? Is this about the East Empire Company? I'm a very important man, I'll have you know, and I have no time for anything other than business."
Carnius Magius"Yes?"
someone in particular"Aside from Captain Carius, I'm the only one here worth talking to."
Captain Carius"He's around here somewhere. I don't really know exactly where; it's not my job to look after him."
specific place"The amenities here are poor, at best. Certainly nothing like what I'm used to. There's a shrine and an armory, but little else. Raven Rock should change that, however."
Raven Rock"I have every intention of making it as profitable as possible, no matter what it takes. Keep that in mind."
little secret"I heard this guy talking...he said there's some kind of thieves' stash hidden in one of the ice caves, but it's guarded by a few Grahl..."
Grahl"I've heard tales of them, but I've never seen them. Don't hope to, for that matter."
Services"You'll find Zeno Faustus in the Armory. He'll repair your weapons or sell you a new one. If you're sick, use the shrine here. For a small donation, you can usually get a cure for what ails you."
latest rumors"Ever been to Brodir Grove? Those stones used to be men, before some nasty wizard got to 'em. That's what the legend says, anyway."
little advice"Sometimes it's worth killing a berserker just to get his weapon. Some of them favor special silver blades that are enchanted to do extra damage to their opponents."
If skills are high enough, but not enough tasks are completed:
promotion"You've got the qualifications, but you haven't done enough to prove to me you're ready. Complete another assignment or two and then we'll talk."
If enough tasks are completed, but the skills are not high enough:
promotion"You've performed well enough, but I don't think you're qualified just yet. Work on your skills some."
If neither enough tasks are completed, nor the skills are high enough:
promotion"You've demonstrated neither the skills necessary nor completed enough tasks for me to even consider it, Negotiator."
promotion"Very well. You're now Nerevarine (Player name), Clerk of the East Empire Company."
promotion"Very well. You're now Nerevarine (Player name), Steward of the East Empire Company."
promotion"Very well. You're now Nerevarine (Player name), Fixer of the East Empire Company."
promotion"Very well. You're now Nerevarine (Player name), Agent of the East Empire Company."
promotion"Very well. You're now Nerevarine (Player name), Negotiator of the East Empire Company."
promotion"Very well. You're now Nerevarine (Player name), Officer of the East Empire Company."
promotion"Very well. You're now Nerevarine (Player name), Deputy of the East Empire Company."
promotion"Are you daft? I'm not about to promote you to my position, Deputy. I'm not stupid."
If Falco is chosen during "Making a Choice":
promotion"You're Falco's little puppet, not mine. Beg him instead."
"What do you want? Is this about the East Empire Company? I'm a very important man, I'll have you know, and I have no time for anything other than business."
East Empire Company"Yes, that's right. I'm the local Factor, not that it means much at this point. Our operations are just getting underway, and frankly, we're short-handed. We could use some help. Do you wish to join the East Empire Company?"
join the East Empire Company"Your interest is commendable, and we can certainly use the manual labor, if nothing else. As with all business, make sure you understand the requirements before agreeing to anything. So, are you willing?"
Yes, hire me!"Very well, then. You are now an Underling in the East Empire Company, Nerevarine (Player name). I'll make it clear to you now that I am the one in charge; see me when you're ready for an assignment or want a promotion."
What are the requirements?"The East Empire Company is a business at heart. Applicants should have a winning personality, and a strong will. Those with the ability to speak eloquently and barter shrewdly are most valuable. Given the hostile enviroments the Company often ventures into, applicants should have a keen sense of security. Finally, all applicants should be trained in the time-honored virtues of long blades and medium armor, as has been customary for the Company for generations."
Okay, I'm in."Very well, then. You are now an Underling in the East Empire Company, Nerevarine (Player name). I'll make it clear to you now that I am the one in charge; see me when you're ready for an assignment or want a promotion."
No, sorry."Makes little difference to me. Others can be found to do the job."
If approached again:
East Empire Company"The East Empire Company is a monopolistic mercantile enterprise chartered by the Emperor and managed by a board of directors appointed by the Emperor. The Company has sole authority to trade in certain goods, like flin, raw ebony, raw glass, and Dwemer artifacts, and it also enjoys favorable tariffs and regulations for important and export of other common and exotic goods, like kwama eggs, marshmerrow pulp, saltrice, and Telvanni bug musk."
assignment"You think you're ready for work, eh? Very well. The first of our workers have arrived, and need to get to the mining site. None of them are particularly skilled with a blade, so I'd like you to escort them. They know the way; you simply have to make sure they arrive safely. Once you're there, check in with Falco Galenus. He'll give you further instructions. For now, go speak to Gidar Verothan. He's down by the dock."
Falco Galenus"He's the second-in-command, and takes his orders directly from me. Thankfully, he spends almost all his time at the site, so I don't have to listen to his optimistic drivel all the time. You can find him there."
After reporting to Falco:
"What is it, Underling? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"Ah, so you have the ore I asked Falco for? He couldn't even accomplish that by himself, could he? No matter. The investors are waiting for this, so hand it over. Here's payment for the job. I don't have any other work for you right now; come back and see me in about three days. By then construction should be well under way, and there will likely be more for you to do. Oh, and take this stock certificate."
stock certificate"It's a way to offset the cost of establishing and developing the colony. Each employee is issued a certificate that has a value based on how well the colony is performing. If you decide you'd like to exchange it for money, it can be arranged. See me if you're interested in doing so."
If approached again:
"What is it, Underling? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"I don't have any work for you right now. Check back when construction has progressed some."
"What is it, Clerk? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"I personally don't have anything for you, but I understand Falco is having some sort of problem out at the site. Doesn't surprise me in the least. Go out there and see what's going on, will you?"
If Hroldar is spared:
"What is it, Clerk? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"So it's been dealt with? Shame that you didn't just kill him outright, but fair enough. As long as the work can continue. Good job, Clerk."
If Hroldar is killed:
"What is it, Clerk? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"He's dead? Wonderful! That'll send a message: anyone who gets in the way of the Raven Rock project will suffer dearly. Excellent work, Clerk. Oh, don't worry about what Falco thinks. He still takes orders from me, you know."
"What is it, Steward? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"Actually, you can make yourself useful, Steward. It's a menial task, but it needs to be done. I've spent a great deal of money ensuring that supplies are delivered from the mainland, and I'd like you to go make sure everything is in order. The supply ship arrived this morning according to my schedule. Get me a copy of the shipping manifest from Falco, will you? On your way, then."
assignment"I need to know the status of those supplies, Steward. Get moving."
After finding out about the ship:
"What is it, Steward? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"WHAT? It's gone? This is unacceptable! After the money I spent on this venture... Fine, fine. Another ship will have to be sent for. Well, don't just stand there; the longer I look at you, the longer I have to think about it. Just take this and go away. Come back in a few days."
"What is it, Fixer? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"I still don't have anything for you to do, Fixer. Go bother Falco if you must."
After speaking with Falco:
"What is it, Fixer? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"Falco gave you his little pep talk, didn't he? "Oh, Nerevarine (Player name).... I need your help. Won't you help me?" Ugh. Perhaps instead you should think about doing yourself a favor and aiding me, Fixer."
aiding me"Believe me, I can make you a much better offer than Falco ever could. Don't be fooled. I will tolerate you only for as long as you are useful to me. If you perform well enough, it will be to your benefit. I think it's clear that I'm in a position to offer you a great deal more than Falco might; serve me well, and you may end up taking Falco's place. Take a little time and think it over, Fixer."
If approached again:
aiding me"Have you made your choice yet? I am not a patient man, and you do not want me as an enemy, Fixer."
I'll do as you wish."A wise decision, Fixer. I will occasionally have special requests of you; for now, see me when you are ready for your next assignment."
aiding me"You're already helping me, Fixer. What's your point?"
No."No? You may wish to re-think that, Fixer. And I'd certainly advise that you don't go running off to Falco. That could prove to be very bad for you."
If Falco is chosen:
assignment"You choose to ally yourself with Falco, and then come to me expecting work? I didn't realize you were THAT stupid."
"What is it, Fixer? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"Oh, you again. Well, you can deal with this; I can't be bothered. The funds are available to add a service provider to the colony. It needs to be decided whether a smith or a trader should be brought in; the decision is going to be yours."
decision"You heard me, Fixer. A smith or a trader. I don't care how you do it. Ask the colonists, decide on your own, pick one out of a hat. Just come back and let me know what it's going to be."
If approached again:
"What is it, Fixer? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"I am waiting on that decision of you, Fixer."
decision"Let's get this over with, so I can allocate the funds and move on to something more important. What's it going to be?"
The Smith."Fine, fine. I'll see to it that work starts soon. Now, go find something to keep you occupied for a while. I have other things to attend to, and it will take a few days for the construction to finish."
The Trader."Very well. A trader it is. I'll make sure the money is provided so construction starts soon. That's all for now, Fixer. It'll take a few days for the construction; come back and see me when it's done."
I haven't decided yet."What do you mean, you haven't decided yet? If you haven't made a decision, why are you even discussing it with me?"
If one decides to aid Falco:
"Not now, Fixer. I'm expecting a decision from Falco. It's colony business, and it doesn't concern you."
decision"What? Fine, fine. That's fine. I honestly don't care. Just make sure there are no problems. I don't want to be bothered with this again."
After construction:
"The smithy (trader) is done? Fine, fine. Now leave me alone."
"What is it, Agent? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"The trader's outpost is almost done? Bah, who cares? These incompetents can't even finnish the simplest of assignments."
assignment"How am I supposed to get anything done when things are always going wrong? No one understands the pressure I'm under, Agent. No one. And these problems only make things worse. Get out there and find out what's keeping Falco from getting his work done THIS time. It's some sort of problem with the supply ship. I can only imagine what he's done...."
If approached again:
"What is it, Agent? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"Has Falco gotten things under control? I sometimes wonder why I hired him. Now that I think of it, why did I hire you, if you're here talking to me instead of fixing things? Get out of here!"
After dealing with Baro:
"What is it, Agent? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"Hrmph. Took long enough. Well, this is what happens when there's more work than I can do myself. Things don't get done right, or on time, or with any degree of finesse.... sometimes I wonder why I try, Agent. Well, at least the supplies will get through now. Good work, I suppose. Here, take this, and then let's discuss your next assignment."
"What is it, Negotiator? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"It's time you start earning your keep, Negotiator. I've had Uryn Maren procuring a little extra ore that I can sell on the side. I have reason to believe that Falco suspects what's going on, and I need you to help take care of the matter."
Uryn Maren"Uryn's been stealing ore since mining began, but Falco has begun to notice the discrepancy. Thus far, he's been keeping the ore stashed in a chest in his house. I believe Falco knows about this chest, and so I need you to make sure there's no ore in it. Find it, remove the ore, and bring it to me. Here - you'll need this key to get into his house. Make it quick, Negotiator."
If approached again:
"What is it, Negotiator? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"I'm waiting on that ore, Negotiator. The evidence needs to be removed before Falco decides to search Uryn Maren."
Uryn Maren"Get the ore out of that chest in his house, Negotiator. I need him clear of suspicion, so he can continue his work."
After getting the ore:
"What is it, Negotiator? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"You've got the ore? Good. But the damage has been done; Falco has placed a guard in front of the storeroom in the mine. With that guard there, Uryn will be hard pressed to sneak in and steal more of the ore. That's why you're going to distract the guard. Go find Uryn in the mine and talk to him."
If approached again:
"What is it, Negotiator? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"You should be off helping Uryn Maren, Negotiator."
Uryn Maren"You'll need to distract the guard so that he can sneak into the storeroom."
After aiding Uryn:
"What is it, Negotiator? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"You should be off helping Uryn Maren, Negotiator."
Uryn Maren"Pulled it off, did you? Well done. There's hope for you yet, Negotiator. Take this for now, and soon we'll discuss your next assignment."
assignment"I don't have any work for you right now, Negotiator. Perhaps once those simpletons at the site finish up the construction, we can starts on the next phase of my plans. Check back in a few days."
Uryn Maren"Good work helping him, Negotiator."
If one aids Falco:
"What is it, Negotiator?"
explanation"You're going to accuse me of being involved in this? Ha ha! So be it. But I warn you - be very careful with how you handle this, Negotiator. It'll be my word against the word of a thief. Whom do you think will be believed?"
explanation"I've said all I have to say on the subject, Negotiator. I suggest you leave."
Uryn Maren"He's a thief, and clearly a liar as well. Oh, don't you worry. I'll take care of this personally. But I assure you, I had nothing to do with it."
"What is it, Officer? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"Yes, yes - I do have some work for you. One of the miners is causing some sort of disturbance. He's in the bar, and has apparently gone crazy, or some such nonsense. Go find this Seler Favelnim and deal with him, will you?"
Seler Favelnim"I don't know the whole story, nor do I care to. He's causing problems, and is disrupting business. Make sure he stops causing problems, understand? He's at the bar. Go take care of it."
If approached again:
"What is it, Officer? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"Have you dealt with Seler Favelnim, Officer?"
If Seler Favelnim is spared:
"What is it, Officer? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"Have you dealt with Seler Favelnim, Officer?"
Seler Favelnim"He's been taken care of? Good. I have no use for those that can't just focus on their work. In fact, perhaps I'll have him thrown out of the colony for this. That'll certainly send a message, won't it? No matter. It's good to know I can trust you to take care of things, Officer."
If Seler Favelnim is killed:
"What is it, Officer? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"Have you dealt with Seler Favelnim, Officer?"
Seler Favelnim"Dead, eh? Well, can't say I care much. In fact, it might serve as a good lesson to the rest of the miners. Good job, Officer."
"What is it, Deputy? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"The miners have stumbled onto something very important, Officer. A wall in the mine crumbled and an old burial cavern was uncovered. They've found a large block of ice inside, and nothing anyone does can break it. I've feigned ignorance on the subject, but I need you to do something about it. The ice is called Stalhrim, and you're going to get me some of it."
Stalhrim"It's Nordic, whether the fools at Raven Rock know it or not. And it's immensely valuable - worth more than the rest of that whole stinking mine. Know that this, THIS is the reason I took this ridiculous position in the first place; I want that ice, and I want all of it. That means you're going to eliminate the only people who know anything about it. Go to the north, just south of where the Harstad river meets the Ilsid, and find the three Nords there. Kill them, and get the pick axe I know they have."
If approached again:
"What is it, Deputy? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"All your efforts should be focused on the Stalhrim right now, Deputy. You've no idea how important it is."
Stalhrim"Find those Nords and kill them. They're the only ones who understand the true importance of Stalhrim."
"What is it, Deputy? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"All your efforts should be focused on the Stalhrim right now, Deputy. You've no idea how important it is."
Stalhrim"Find those Nords and kill them. They're the only ones who understand the true importance of Stalhrim."
Stalhrim"They're all dead? Good. With them out of the way, there's no one else to reveal just how valuable the Stalhrim is. You currently possess the only tool on this island capable of cutting into Stalhrim. There are a few more like it, but none here have them. So you will acquire pieces of Stalhrim for me, starting now. Bring me at least one piece from the block in the mine, Deputy."
Stalhrim"Bring me a piece of it from the mine, Deputy."
If approached again:
"What is it, Deputy? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"All your efforts should be focused on the Stalhrim right now, Deputy. You've no idea how important it is."
Stalhrim"It's Nordic, whether the fools at Raven Rock know it or not. And it's immensely valuable - worth more than the rest of that whole stinking mine. Know that this, THIS is the reason I took this ridiculous position in the first place; I want that ice, and I want all of it. Since Graring is already dead, there's no one to stop you from taking it."
Graring"He's of no consequence. Concentrate on the Stalhrim."
After obtaining a piece of Stalhrim:
"What is it, Deputy? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"All your efforts should be focused on the Stalhrim right now, Deputy. You've no idea how important it is."
Stalhrim"Excellent. Now that you've completed your task, I'll just relieve you of this. In the future, I suggest you bring me any Stalhrim you find. In exchange for doing this work for me, I will do a great deal for you. You bring me more Stalhrim, and in exchange, I will have weapons and armor crafted from it for you... I told you great things would come from allying yourself with me, didn't I?"
Stalhrim"Do you have a piece for me?"
Yes, here's one."Well, where is it? Don't waste my time, Deputy."
Nevermind."All right. Just be sure you bring it to me as soon as you have it. I'd hate to think you're holding out on me, Deputy."
"Well, Deputy.... it's a bit of a surprise to see you. You weren't supposed to survive the Skaal attack."
Skaal attack"You've ruined EVERYTHING, do you realize that? All that work - all the money I spent to get that equipment and get those men here... all of it, wasted! And it's ALL YOUR FAULT!"
"Well, Deputy. It's time for a bit of a change. Now that we know for sure there's Stalhrim to be had in the mines, we need to clear everyone out of the colony. Of course, I can't do that without arousing too much suspicion; the colony will have to appear to fail on its own. Your next assignment will start that process."
assignment"I trust you remember Hroldar the Strange? Well, he's one of my men. Picked him up outside Cyrodiil some years back, and have used him for a few jobs since then. I correctly figured he'd serve well in this situation, and so far he has. Oh, you don't need to know everything he's done for me; suffice it to say he's made some very good progress. But now, I have need of his skills, and yours as well. You're going to intercept a report for me."
report"I've placed some rather impossible demands on Falco lately, with the intention of his failing to meet them. When he does, it will crode confidence in the chain of command for the colony, and help convince the investors to pull out. One of those demands has been to deliver status reports. I'm concerned that one may make it through. Meet Hroldar in the courtyard, and follow him. Then go collect the messenger, and make sure he meets Hroldar as well, if you understand me..."
messenger"Let me make this clear: it's important that he never reaches the fort. If anyone were to see him here, my ability to deny receiving the report, and thus holding Falco responsible, diminishes greatly. We cannot outright kill him either; that might also raise questions. So instead, we are going to use Hroldar's innate abilities with wildlife. You will bring the messenger to Hroldar, who will sic wolves on him. To anyone finding the body, it will appear that the report bearer had an unfortunate accident."
Raven Rock"Now that I know there's Stalhrim here, I want to make sure the colony doesn't survive long. The fewer eyes there are to see what's really going on, the better."
If approached again:
"What is it, Deputy? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"Find the messenger carrying the report, and see to it that he's taken care of."
report"I don't need the report. In fact, it's better if I don't have it. I just want to make sure it doesn't reach this fort. Are we clear?"
Hroldar the Strange"Clever little trick, that ring I gave him. Certainly looked like you killed him, didn't it? But it set such a wonderful precedent. Really helped to motivate the workers, I think."
After the messenger is taken out:
"What is it, Deputy? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"The messenger is dead? And.... have you taken care of anything else? If not, I suggest you speak to Hroldar."
messenger"I understand he was dealt with. But perhaps you have other matters you need to attend to as well? Make sure you complete your assignment in full, Deputy."
After killing Hroldar:
"What is it, Deputy? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"So, Hroldar has been dealt with as well? Good. He'd long outlived his usefulness to me, and was becoming a liability. Let's hope you continue to perform well, Deputy. I'd hate to start thinking of you as a liability as well."
"What is it, Deputy? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"There's some sort of problem with Spriggans at the colony site, and I expect you to take care of it, Deputy."
Spriggans"They've been causing some sort of disturbance lately. No good explanation for it. The colonists are scared, so you'll have to take care of them. Unel Lloran is the man in charge of the situation; once the Spriggans are gone, I imagine he'll have the courage to step outside the bar, where I understand he's been hiding. Get moving."
If approached again:
"What is it, Deputy? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"I need to at least give the impression that I care about what happens to the workers, so go remove this infestation of Spriggans."
Spriggans"Unel Lloran should be told once they're all taken care of. Let him deal with the details."
After dealing with the spriggans and roots:
"What is it, Deputy? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"It's all settled? Good. I can be sure that work in the mine will continue, and any Stalhrim left will be discovered. Well done, Deputy."
"What is it, Deputy? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"With this awful turn of events, we'll just have to do something about protecting the colony better, won't we Deputy? I certainly wouldn't want anyone to have the impression that I haven't done all I can to secure the safety of our beloved colonists. So you're going to see to it that we hire guards for out little venture, just to put the investors' minds at ease."
hire guards"Personally, I couldn't care if they all dropped dead tomorrow. But the investors are becoming nervous, and I'm not quite ready for them to pull out of the venture just yet. So you're going to poll the colonists and see if any are willing to volunteer. It'll look better that way, don't you think? Return to me when you've found some willing to take the job."
Of approached again:
"What is it, Deputy? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"Have you made any progress? We need to hire guards so maintain the illusion that we actually care about what's happening here."
hire guards"Well, have you found anyone to take up the positions?"
Yes."You haven't found anyone? I find that impossible to believe. Get back out there and keep looking."
I'm going to keep looking."Very well, but don't dawdle. Find out who's willing soon."
If only Afer Flaccus is hired:
"What is it, Deputy? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"Have you made any progress? We need to hire guards so maintain the illusion that we actually care about what's happening here."
hire guards"Well, have you found anyone to take up the positions?"
Yes."Who's it going to be, then?"
Afer Flaccus"Only one volunteer? Perhaps they are not all as stupid as I'd assumed. Nevertheless, I will see to it that our guard friend get equipment and orders immediately. Come back in a few days, and I'll have something extra special for you."
assignment"Not now, Deputy. I have some important plans that I'm preparing, but they're not ready yet. You're an important part of them, so I'll let you know when I need you."
Nevermind"Very well, but don't dawdle. Find out who's willing soon."
If Afer Flaccus and Gratian Caerellius are hired:
"What is it, Deputy? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"Have you made any progress? We need to hire guards so maintain the illusion that we actually care about what's happening here."
hire guards"Well, have you found anyone to take up the positions?"
Yes."Who's it going to be, then?"
Afer Flaccus and Gratian Caerellius"Two of them volunteered? Falco's ridiculous optimism has not poisoned them all, I see. So be it. I'll see to it that they're outfitted immediately. Come back in a few days, and I'll have something extra special for you."
assignment"Not now, Deputy. I have some important plans that I'm preparing, but they're not ready yet. You're an important part of them, so I'll let you know when I need you."
Nevermind"Very well, but don't dawdle. Find out who's willing soon."
If Afer Flaccus, Gratian Caerellius, and Garnas Uvalen are hired:
"What is it, Deputy? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"Have you made any progress? We need to hire guards so maintain the illusion that we actually care about what's happening here."
hire guards"Well, have you found anyone to take up the positions?"
Yes."Who's it going to be, then?"
Afer Flaccus, Gratian Caerellius, and Garnas Uvalen"Three of them volunteered? The poor fools.... So be it. I'll see to it that they're outfitted immediately. Come back in a few days, and I'll have something extra special for you."
assignment"Not now, Deputy. I have some important plans that I'm preparing, but they're not ready yet. You're an important part of them, so I'll let you know when I need you."
Nevermind"Very well, but don't dawdle. Find out who's willing soon."
"What is it, Deputy? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"Oh, this will be a most important job for you. It's a shame, really. After all I've clearly done to secure the safety of the colonists, and yet poor Falco will still be assassinated right under their noses. Well, it simply proves this venture is just too dangerous."
assassinated"Why, yes, by those terrible Nords, of course. At least that's how it'll look. I've contracted a simpleton to pose as one of the Native Nords; he'll make an attempt on Falco's life and distract the guards. That's when YOU eliminate Falco. It's all been arranged, so you've little to worry about. Baslod will wait for your signal, and then strike."
Baslod"I believe he will have placed some weapons for you at the top of the mining office tower in the colony; a bow and a very potent poison arrow. I've also contributed a scroll that may help insure the arrow finds it's mark, and that you are not seen. I'd suggest remaining in the Mining Tower for safety. Once you're prepared, ready your bow to signal that Baslod should make his attack. He'll draw the guards away, and then you strike. With Falco assassinated, the colony should collpase in a very short time."
If approached again:
"What is it, Deputy? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"I want Falco assassinated, Deputy. Stick to the plan, and no one will know you had anything to do with it."
assassinated"Make sure no one sees you. If you're spotted, or if the guards return by the time you shoot Falco, you'll most likely be caught. You're on your own if that should happen, Deputy. I'll disavow any knowledge of the plot."
Baslod"I don't expect him to live through this. Of course, he doesn't know that. Just be sure you're not seen."
After killing Falco:
"What is it, Deputy? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"I want Falco assassinated, Deputy. Stick to the plan, and no one will know you had anything to do with it."
assassinated"He's dead? Excellent. It's a shame I wasn't there to see it myself, but I need to keep my distance. Plausible deniability, of course. The investors should start puling out any day now, Deputy. Good work. Here, take this. It's a special present for all the good work you've done. You won't see another like it anywhere."
Baslod"He served his purpose. That's all that matters."
assassinated"Quite a nice job you did, Deputy."
assignment"With Falco out of the way, the whole operation should shut down in a matter of days. Just be patient for now, Deputy. Come see me in a few days, and we'll start cleaning up."
"What is it, Deputy? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"It appears now that more drastic measures will be necessary, Deputy."
drastic measures"I've underestimated the resolve of several of our investors. Their indominitable greed has kept them from backing out of our arrangement, despite all the terrible things that have befallen Raven Rock. Order to change their minds, something very unfortunate will have to happen. Perhaps if the natives Nords on the island slaughter all of the colonists, they might think twice about their choice...."
slaughter"I'd never dream of actually attempting to contact the barbarians that live here. No, I've simply seen to it that some of their equipment has been acquired. And now you're going to see to it that the equipment gets to the men I have arriving on the island. Mercenaries, of course. But properly outfitted, they'll look just like the Skaal. There are two bags under the table out in the hall; take the armor and weapons in them and deliver them to Toralf."
Toralf"He and his companions should be arriving tonight. Head east along the coast; they're landing just to the east of the river's mouth."
If approached again:
"What is it, Deputy? Is this about your current assignment?"
assignment"We've already discussed the drastic measures that need to be taken. See to it that they're carried out."
drastic measures"Just deliver the equipment as I've asked, Deputy. That's all you need to do; I'm keeping you clear of the actual slaughter."
slaughter"You just deliver the equipment to Toralf and his men, they'll take care of the colonists."
After defeating Toralf and his mercenaries:
"I must say, I'm surprised to see you. Toralf was supposed to make sure you didn't return. I just can't count on good help, can I? Sorry, Deputy, but I'm afraid I no longer have need of your services, and you know a little too much to be allowed to live. But I'll remedy that situation right now."