Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Main article: Mages Guild Quests (Morrowind)

Catch a Spy is a Mages Guild quest available in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.



Ranis Athrys in the Balmora Guild of Mages believes that the Guild has been infiltrated by a House Telvanni spy. The assignment is to visit the Guild halls in Ald'ruhn, Sadrith Mora, Vivec City in order to find the spy and report back to Ranis.

Via the Guild Guide, go to the Ald'ruhn Guild and speak with Edwinna Elbert. However she seems to have no idea about the spy.

Travel to Sadrith Mora Mages Guild, talk to Skink-in-Tree's-Shade. He does suspect there is a spy but suggests checking in the Vivec Mages Guild where the Guild decisions are actually made.

Head to Vivec and speak to Trebonius Artorius. He denies the existence of spies, saying that his advisor Tiram Gadar keeps an eye out for that sort of thing. However, inquire further and Trebonius gives Tiram's credentials which appear to be forged since the High Chancellor, Imperial Battlemage Ocato's name is misspelled.

Return to Ranis with the phony credentials.

Alternative Walkthrough[]

Same as above until reaching Trebonius. If Itermerel and Tashpi Ashibael are both still alive, a dialog option will appear to allow the Nerevarine to report that Ranis is the spy and Trebonius will have her arrested and removed from the guild. The rewards of this path are lower as Trebonius will not reward the Nerevarine with Soul Drinker and the two scrolls, and Ranis will no longer be available for barter or training.


With either the regular or alternative walkthroughs, it is not necessary to go to either Ald'ruhn or Sadrith Mora. Going straight to Vivec and talking to Trebonius is sufficient.


  • 1 Reputation point
  • 5 Mages Guild Faction points

If the spy is turned into Ranis[]


Catch a Spy – MG_SpyCatch
ID Journal Entry
10 Ranis Athrys believes there is a spy in the Mages Guild. I have been ordered to question Guild members in Ald'ruhn, Vivec, and Sadrith Mora. I am not to take any action against the spy, but to report back to Ranis Athrys.
  • Quest accepted
35 I told Ranis Athrys about Movis Darys in Ald'ruhn, but she is convinced that there is another spy in either Vivec or Sadrith Mora.
50 Tiram Gadar told me he is a "special advisor to Guildmaster Trebonius on Dunmer issues."
60 Sirilonwe told me that Trebonius consults Tiram Gadar before making any important decision.
70 Malven Romori told me that Tiram Gadar showed up recently and gave his credentials to Trebonius.
80 Guildmaster Trebonius gave me Tiram Gadar's "credentials." They are obvious forgeries. Even Ocato's name is misspelled.
100 I told Ranis Athrys about the spy Tiram Gadar. Ranis will deal with this issue herself.
  • Quest completed
110 I told Archmage Trebonius that Ranis Athrys was a Telvanni Spy.
  • Quest completed

