The following are cards in The Elder Scrolls: Legends with the Endurance attribute.
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Dark Anchor (Legends) -
Umaril the Unfeathered (Legends) -
Dark Seducer (Legends) -
Cicero the Betrayer (Legends) -
Grandmaster Delphine -
Emperor Titus Mede II (Legends) -
Whiterun Protector -
The Gatekeeper
All items (286)
- A New Era
- Aela's Companions
- Ageless Vampire
- Ald Velothi Assassin
- Alduin's Apocalypse
- Alisanne Dupre (Legends)
- Almalexia (Legends)
- Almalexia's Blessing (Legends)
- Almalexia's Disciple
- Ancestral Dead
- Ancient Lookout
- Angry Grahl
- Apprentice Necromancer (Legends)
- Archcanon Saryoni (Legends)
- Archein Elite
- Archein Guerrilla
- Archein Venomtongue
- Argonian Recruit
- Argonian Veteran
- Arise
- Aundae Clan Sorcerer
- Avatar of Akatosh (Legends)
- Ayleid Guardian (Legends)
- Bal Isra Warrider
- Baliwog Tidecrawlers
- Baliwog Tidecrawlers – Smoked Baliwog Leg
- Barrow Stalker
- Betty Netch (Legends)
- Bishop of the Hour
- Black Marsh Centurion
- Black Marsh Prodigy
- Black Marsh Smugglers
- Black Marsh Warden
- Black Soul Gem (Legends)
- Black Worm Necromancer
- Blackrose Herbalist
- Blackwood Alchemist
- Blackwood Distiller
- Blades Defender
- Bleakcoast Troll
- Blood Magic Lord
- Bloodline Outcast
- Bolvyn Venim (Legends)
- Bone Armor (Legends)
- Bone Colossus (Legends)
- Bonewalker (Legends)
- Boneweaver
- Brassilisk (Legends)
- Brotherhood Vampire
- Bruma Armorer
- Caius Cosades (Legends)
- Caius' Machinations
- Cave Bear (Legends)
- Cave Grahl
- Champion of the Arena
- Chieftain's Banner
- Cicero the Betrayer (Legends)
- City Guard (Legends)
- Clivia Tharn (Legends)
- Colovian Trooper
- Companion Harbinger
- Corpse Curse (Legends)
- Corrupted Shade (Legends)
- Covenant Armaments
- Covenant Mail
- Covenant Masterpiece
- Cruel Axe
- Cursed Spectre
- Daedric Crescent (Legends)
- Daedric Dagger (Legends)
- Daggerfall Phantom
- Dark Anchor (Legends)
- Dark Guardian (Legends)
- Dark Seducer (Legends)
- Deadly Draugr
- Death Hound (Legends)
- Death Scythe (Legends)
- Deathless Draugr
- Determined Supplier
- Disciple of Namira
- Divayth's Experiments
- Doomcrag Vampire
- Doomed Adventurer
- Dragon Cult Ghost
- Dragonplate Armor (Legends)
- Dragontail Savior
- Drain Life (Legends)
- Draugr Sentry
- Dro-m'Athra Reaper
- Dungeon Cell