The following cards has Summon gameplay mechanic in The Elder Scrolls: Legends.
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Abnur Tharn (Legends)
All items (415)
- Abecean Navigator
- Abnur Tharn (Legends)
- Aela the Huntress (Legends)
- Afflicted Alit
- Ahnassi (Legends)
- Aldmeri Patriot
- Alduin (Legends)
- Alfe Fyr (Legends)
- Alfiq Conjurer
- Alfiq Illusionist
- Alik'r Survivalist
- Allena Benoch (Legends)
- Ambitious Hireling
- Ancano (Legends)
- Ancestor's Battleaxe
- Angry Grahl
- Apprentice Necromancer (Legends)
- Archcanon Saryoni (Legends)
- Arenthia Swindler
- Ash Oppressor
- Ash Piercer
- Ash Servant
- Ashlander Zealot
- Aspect of Hircine
- Assassin Beetle (Legends)
- Attuned Dremora
- Ayleid Guardian (Legends)
- Ayrenn (Legends)
- Ayrenn, Dominion Queen
- Baandari Opportunist
- Back-Alley Footpad
- Back-Alley Rogue
- Bandit Ringleader (Legends)
- Bangkorai Butcher
- Barbas (Legends)
- Barded Guar
- Baron of Tear
- Battlereeve of Dusk
- Belligerent Giant
- Berne Clan Nightstalker
- Beyte Fyr (Legends)
- Bishop of the Hour
- Bitterfish Witch
- Black Hand Messenger
- Black Worm Necromancer
- Black Worm Neophyte
- Blackreach Rebuilder
- Blades Defender
- Blades Flanker
- Blades Guardian
- Blood Magic Lord
- Blood-Crazed Daedroth
- Bone Armor (Legends)
- Bone Bow
- Bone Colossus (Legends)
- Bonewalker (Legends)
- Boneweaver
- Brellach Commander
- Bringer of Nightmares
- Brotherhood Assassin
- Brotherhood Vampire
- Bruma Oppressor
- Caius Cosades (Legends)
- Camlorn Hero
- Camoran Scout Leader
- Cauldron Keeper
- Cavern Spinner
- Champion of the Arena
- Chaurus Reaper (Legends)
- Cleric of Kyne
- Cliff Hunter
- Clockwork Apostle
- Clockwork Dragon
- Cloudrest Illusionist
- Conjuration Scholar
- Conjuration Tutor
- Cornerclub Gambler
- Corsair Ship
- Court Wizard (Legends)
- Covenant Oathman
- Cradlecrush Giant
- Crown Quartermaster
- Crucible Blacksmith
- Cruel Axe
- Crystal Tower Acolyte
- Cunning Ally
- Cursed Spectre
- Cygnus Standard Bearer
- Daedric High Priestess
- Daedric Weaponmaster
- Dagoth Oathman
- Dark Harvester
- Delte Fyr (Legends)
- Devious Bandit
- Divayth Fyr (Legends)
- Dominion Battlereeve
- Dominion Oathman
- Doomfang Ally
- Doppelganger (Legends)
- Dragon Mound (Legends)
- Dragon Priest Mask (Legends)
- Dragonguard Outcast
- Dragonplate Armor (Legends)
- Dragontail Savior
- Dread Clannfear (Legends)
- Dremora Archer (Legends)
- Dremora Markynaz (Legends)
- Dres Spy
- Dro-m'Athra Reaper
- Dune Smuggler
- Dune Stalker
- Dushnikh Yal Archer
- Dwarven Colossus (Legends)
- Dwarven Dynamo
- Dwarven Sphere (Legends)
- Earthbone Spinner
- Eastmarch Crusader
- Ebonthread Cloak
- Eclipse Baroness
- Eldergleam Matron
- Elusive Schemer
- Embassy Disguise
- Emeric, Covenant King
- Emperor's Attendant
- Empire Dreadmage
- Empire Oathman
- Enchanted Plate
- Enchanted Ring (Legends)
- Enlistment Officer
- Enraged Dragonknight
- Euraxia Tharn (Legends)
- Euraxian Berserker (Legends)
- Expert Atromancer
- Galyn the Shelterer
- Gates of Madness (Legends)
- Gavel of the Ordinator (Legends)
- Gearwork Spider
- General Tullius (Legends)
- Genius Pathmage
- Gentleman Jim Stacey (Legends)
- Giant Snake (Legends)
- Glacial Dragon
- Glass Helm of Remedy
- Gloom Wraith (Legends)
- Gloomlurker
- Golden Saint (Legends)
- Grahtwood Ambusher
- Grand Inquisitor (Legends)
- Grappling Hook
- Gray Viper Brigand
- Green Pact Stalker
- Greybeard Mentor
- Grisly Gourmet
- Grummite Magus (Legends)
- Guar Stablemaster
- Guildsworn Apprentice
- Guildsworn Oathman