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Scroll of Daerir's Blessing
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- Scroll of Almsivi Intervention
- Scroll of Alvusia's Warping
- Scroll of Baleful Suffering
- Scroll of Black Death
- Scroll of Black Despair
- Scroll of Black Fate
- Scroll of Black Mind
- Scroll of Black Scorn
- Scroll of Black Sloth
- Scroll of Black Weakness
- Scroll of Bloodfire
- Scroll of Bodily Restoration
- Scroll of Breva's Averted Eyes
- Scroll of Celerity
- Scroll of Corrupt Arcanix
- Scroll of Daerir's Blessing
- Scroll of Daerir's Miracle
- Scroll of Daydene's Panacea
- Scroll of Daynar's Airy Bubble
- Scroll of Dedres' Masterful Eye
- Scroll of Didala's Knack
- Scroll of Divine Intervention
- Scroll of Drathis' Soulrot
- Scroll of Drathis' Winter Guest
- Scroll of Ekash's Lock Splitter
- Scroll of Elemental Burst: Fire
- Scroll of Elemental Burst: Frost
- Scroll of Elemental Burst: Shock
- Scroll of Elevram's Sty
- Scroll of Fader's Leaden Flesh
- Scroll of Feldram's Trepidation
- Scroll of Fiercely Roasting
- Scroll of Flamebane
- Scroll of Flameguard
- Scroll of Fphyggi's Gem-Feeder
- Scroll of Frostbane
- Scroll of Frostguard
- Scroll of Galmes' Seal
- Scroll of Golnara's Eye-Maze
- Scroll of Gonar's Goad
- Scroll of Greater Domination
- Scroll of Grey Death
- Scroll of Grey Despair
- Scroll of Grey Fate
- Scroll of Grey Mind
- Scroll of Grey Scorn
- Scroll of Grey Sloth
- Scroll of Grey Weakness
- Scroll of Healing
- Scroll of Heartwise
- Scroll of Hellfire
- Scroll of Icarian Flight
- Scroll of Illnea's Breath
- Scroll of Inas' Chastening
- Scroll of Inasi's Mystic Finger
- Scroll of Insight
- Scroll of Invisibility (Morrowind)
- Scroll of Leaguestep
- Scroll of Lesser Domination
- Scroll of Lliros' Glowing Eye
- Scroll of Lord Mhas' Vengeance
- Scroll of Mageweal
- Scroll of Manarape
- Scroll of Mark
- Scroll of Monden's Instigator
- Scroll of Nerusi's Lockjaw
- Scroll of Ondusi's Unhinging
- Scroll of Prince Ov's Brightball
- Scroll of Psychic Prison
- Scroll of Purity of Body
- Scroll of Radiya's Icy Mask
- Scroll of Radrene's Spell Breaker
- Scroll of Red Death
- Scroll of Red Despair
- Scroll of Red Fate
- Scroll of Red Mind
- Scroll of Red Scorn
- Scroll of Red Sloth
- Scroll of Red Weakness
- Scroll of Restoration
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- Scroll of Savage Might
- Scroll of Savage Tyranny
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- Scroll of Shockbane
- Scroll of Shockguard
- Scroll of Stormward
- Scroll of Summon Flame Atronach
- Scroll of Summon Frost Atronach
- Scroll of Summon Golden Saint
- Scroll of Summon Skeleton
- Scroll of Supreme Domination
- Scroll of Taldam's Scorcher
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- Scroll of Tendil's Trembling
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- Scroll of the Argent Glow
- Scroll of the Black Storm
- Scroll of the Blood Thief
- Scroll of the Dawn Sprite
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- Scroll of the First Barrier
- Scroll of the Fourth Barrier
- Scroll of the Gambler's Prayer
- Scroll of the Hidden Killer
- Scroll of the Mage's Eye
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- Scroll of the Second Barrier
- Scroll of the Sixth Barrier
- Scroll of the Third Barrier
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- Scroll of Tranasa's Spelltrap
- Scroll of Tranasa's Spelltwist
- Scroll of Ulm Juiceda's Feather
- Scroll of Uth's Hand of Heaven
- Scroll of Vaermina's Promise
- Scroll of Vigor
- Scroll of Vitality
- Scroll of Warrior's Blessing
- Scroll of Windform
- Scroll of Windwalker