The following are deceased characters found in The Elder Scrolls Online.
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- Ababael
- Agnedir Forestborne
- Aishah
- Alana Relin (Ghost)
- Alanwe
- Aloin
- Ancalin
- Ancestral Icemaster
- Angolin
- Apothecary Muriel
- Appraising-Spine
- Arria
- Asteril
- Captain Blanchete
- Captain Ethrel
- Captain Minwe
- Captain Seline
- Cartirinque
- Ciryarel
- Claudie Themond
- Colanwe
- Commander Parmion
- Commander Reliana
- Counselor Ruffe Montgren
- Counselor Ylanie Bouchard
- Curano
- Curvanen
- Dalaneth
- Dead Man-at-Arms
- Dead Merchant
- Decius
- Drago Auberdine
- Drayna
- Dringoth
- Dro-m'Athra (Character)
- Dussir
- Eanen Varam
- Edgar the Innkeeper
- Edhelorn
- Edrien Dencent
- Elaraama
- Elphirion
- Emperor Tarish-Zi
- Endarre
- Eral
- Erannin
- Erranza
- Gasteau Chamrond
- General Balreth
- General Malgoth
- General Radrathren
- General Theshaga
- Genvis Faledran
- Geril Randoro
- Gjalder
- Glonnir
- Godyna Varam
- Gordag
- Guard-Captain Faryon
- Guard-Captain Nerathren
- Guardian Celonron
- Hadhuul
- Hakra
- Halalin
- Haman Forgefire
- Hedyn
- Helonel
- Heragaeth
- High Kinlord Rilis
- High Kinlord Rilis I
- High Kinlord Rilis IV
- High Kinlord Rilis IX
- High Kinlord Rilis VI
- High Kinlord Rilis VIII
- High Kinlord Rilis X
- High Kinlord Rilis XI
- Hisal
- Hrorleid
- Hubert