Research Notes is a collection of 94 books, letters, and notes that make up a part of the Eidetic Memory.
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Chronicles of Nchuleft -
Effects of the Elder Scrolls -
The Strange Case of Ja-Reet -
The Argonian Mating Ritual -
The Root Sunder Market -
Notes on the Order Skeevera -
Notes on the Vault Door -
Irrigation Research Journal
All items (100)
- Kasura's Notes
- Kireth's Journal, Page 10
- Kireth's Journal, Page 12
- Kireth's Journal, Page 14
- Kireth's Journal, Page 16
- Kireth's Journal, Page 19
- Kireth's Journal, Page 22
- Kireth's Journal, Page 24
- Kireth's Journal, Page 25
- Kireth's Journal, Page 29
- Kireth's Journal, Page 3
- Kireth's Journal, Page 30
- Kireth's Journal, Page 33
- Kireth's Journal, Page 7
- Kireth's Prism Notes
- Kireth's Taarengrav Note
- Kwama Breeding Research Notes (Flora)
- Ravenwatch Research: Aesar Hatespinner
- Ravenwatch Research: Veawend Ede
- Raynor's Bthanual Notes
- Raynor's Journal: Bthanual
- Recommended Methods of Moon Sugar Cultivation
- Report on Wing Rot Curative Trials
- Rurelion's Observation No. 1
- Rurelion's Observation No. 2
- Rurelion's Observation No. 3
- Ruurifin's Journal, Entry 1
- Ruuvitar's Journal
- Tancano the Elder's Journal
- The Argonian Mating Ritual
- The Fall of Carac Dena
- The Mysteries of Moravagarlis
- The Notebook of Mage Gadris
- The Root Sunder Market
- The Root Sunder Roots
- The Spindleclutch Expedition
- The Strange Case of Ja-Reet
- The Witches of Hag Fen
- Transmutation of Living Creatures
- Transmutation Potion Recipe