Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Ocato (Daggerfall)

Ocato made an appearance in the opening of Daggerfall, where he is holding a torch while standing by Uriel Septim VII.

For other uses, see Characters.

Characters are NPCs in The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall. They come in two varieties: static and dynamic. Static characters give quests, while dynamic characters spawn every day to walk around cities.


Characters can spawn with a variety of names.

Breton names[]


Agrane, Agrard, Agrastyr, Agristair, Agristyr, Agrore, Agroryan, Agryctor, Agryn, Agrynak, Agryrick, Agryval, Agrywyr, Alabane, Alabard, Alabastyr, Alabistair, Alabistyr, Alabore, Alaboryan, Alabyctor, Alabyn, Alabynak, Alabyrick, Alabyval, Alabywyr, Andane, Andard, Andastyr, Andistair, Andistyr, Andore, Andoryan, Andyctor, Andyn, Andynak, Andyrick, Andyval, Andywyr, Bedane, Bedard, Bedastyr, Bedistair, Bedistyr, Bedore, Bedoryan, Bedyctor, Bedyn, Bedynak, Bedyrick, Bedyval, Bedywyr, Dunane, Dunard, Dunastyr, Dunistair, Dunistyr, Dunore, Dunoryan, Dunyctor, Dunyn, Dunynak, Dunyrick, Dunyval, Dunywyr, Edwane, Edward, Edwastyr, Edwistair, Edwistyr, Edwore, Edworyan, Edwyctor, Edwyn, Edwynak, Edwyrick, Edwyval, Edwywyr, Gondane, Gondard, Gondastyr, Gondistair, Gondistyr, Gondore, Gondoryan, Gondyctor, Gondyn, Gondynak, Gondyrick, Gondyval, Gondywyr, Mordane, Mordard, Mordastyr, Mordistair, Mordistyr, Mordore, Mordoryan, Mordyctor, Mordyn, Mordynak, Mordyrick, Mordyval, Mordywyr, Perane, Perard, Perastyr, Peristair, Peristyr, Perore, Peroryan, Peryctor, Peryn, Perynak, Peryrick, Peryval, Perywyr, Rodane, Rodard, Rodastyr, Rodistair, Rodistyr, Rodore, Rodoryan, Rodyctor, Rodyn, Rodynak, Rodyrick, Rodyval, Rodywyr, Theodane, Theodard, Theodastyr, Theodistair, Theodistyr, Theodore, Theodoryan, Theodyctor, Theodyn, Theodynak, Theodyrick, Theodyval, Theodywyr, Tristane, Tristard, Tristastyr, Trististair, Trististyr, Tristore, Tristoryan, Tristyctor, Tristyn, Tristynak, Tristyrick, Tristyval, Tristywyr, Uthane, Uthard, Uthastyr, Uthistair, Uthistyr, Uthore, Uthoryan, Uthyctor, Uthyn, Uthynak, Uthyrick, Uthyval, Uthywyr


Barbabyth, Barbanna, Barbara, Barbausa, Barbayne, Barbolda, Barbona, Barborya, Barbyn, Barbyna, Barbyrrya, Barbyssa, Barbyvyra, Belladabyth, Belladanna, Belladara, Belladausa, Belladayne, Belladolda, Belladona, Belladorya, Belladyn, Belladyna, Belladyrrya, Belladyssa, Belladyvyra, Carolabyth, Carolanna, Carolara, Carolausa, Carolayne, Carololda, Carolona, Carolorya, Carolyn, Carolyna, Carolyrrya, Carolyssa, Carolyvyra, Chrystabyth, Chrystanna, Chrystara, Chrystausa, Chrystayne, Chrystolda, Chrystona, Chrystorya, Chrystyn, Chrystyna, Chrystyrrya, Chrystyssa, Chrystyvyra, Elabyth, Elanna, Elara, Elausa, Elayne, Elolda, Elona, Elorya, Elyn, Elyna, Elyrrya, Elyssa, Elyvyra, Elyzabyth, Elyzanna, Elyzara, Elyzausa, Elyzayne, Elyzolda, Elyzona, Elyzorya, Elyzyn, Elyzyna, Elyzyrrya, Elyzyssa, Elyzyvyra, Evelabyth, Evelanna, Evelara, Evelausa, Evelayne, Evelolda, Evelona, Evelorya, Evelyn, Evelyna, Evelyrrya, Evelyssa, Evelyvyra, Gwynabyth, Gwynanna, Gwynara, Gwynausa, Gwynayne, Gwynolda, Gwynona, Gwynorya, Gwynyn, Gwynyna, Gwynyrrya, Gwynyssa, Gwynyvyra, Lysabyth, Lysanna, Lysara, Lysausa, Lysayne, Lysolda, Lysona, Lysorya, Lysyn, Lysyna, Lysyrrya, Lysyssa, Lysyvyra, Morgabyth, Morganna, Morgara, Morgausa, Morgayne, Morgolda, Morgona, Morgorya, Morgyn, Morgyna, Morgyrrya, Morgyssa, Morgyvyra, Vannabyth, Vannanna, Vannara, Vannausa, Vannayne, Vannolda, Vannona, Vannorya, Vannyn, Vannyna, Vannyrrya, Vannyssa, Vannyvyra, Vyctabyth, Vyctanna, Vyctara, Vyctausa, Vyctayne, Vyctolda, Vyctona, Vyctorya, Vyctyn, Vyctyna, Vyctyrrya, Vyctyssa, Vyctyvyra, Ysabyth, Ysanna, Ysara, Ysausa, Ysayne, Ysolda, Ysona, Ysorya, Ysyn, Ysyna, Ysyrrya,Ysyssa, Ysyvyra


Ashcroft, Ashfield, Ashford, Ashham, Ashhart, Ashhouse, Ashing, Ashsley, Ashsly, Ashsmith, Ashston, Ashton, Ashwing, Buckingcroft, Buckingfield, Buckingford, Buckingham, Buckinghart, Buckinghouse, Buckinging, Buckingsley, Buckingsly, Buckingsmith, Buckingston, Buckington, Buckingwing, Coppercroft, Copperfield, Copperford, Copperham, Copperhart, Copperhouse, Coppering, Coppersley, Coppersly, Coppersmith, Copperston, Copperton, Copperwing, Gaercroft, Gaerfield, Gaerford, Gaerham, Gaerhart, Gaerhouse, Gaering, Gaersley, Gaersly, Gaersmith, Gaerston, Gaerton, Gaerwing, Greencroft, Greenfield, Greenford, Greenham, Greenhart, Greenhouse, Greening, Greensley, Greensly, Greensmith, Greenston, Greenton, Greenwing, Hawkcroft, Hawkfield, Hawkford, Hawkham, Hawkhart, Hawkhouse, Hawking, Hawksley, Hawksly, Hawksmith, Hawkston, Hawkton, Hawkwing, Hearthcroft, Hearthfield, Hearthford, Hearthham, Hearthhart, Hearthhouse, Hearthing, Hearthsley, Hearthsly, Hearthsmith, Hearthston, Hearthton, Hearthwing, Kingcroft, Kingfield, Kingford, Kingham, Kinghart, Kinghouse, Kinging, Kingsley, Kingsly, Kingsmith, Kingston, Kington, Kingwing, Mastercroft, Masterfield, Masterford, Masterham, Masterhart, Masterhouse, Mastering, Mastersley, Mastersly, Mastersmith, Masterston, Masterton, Masterwing, Moorcroft, Moorfield, Moorford, Moorham, Moorhart, Moorhouse, Mooring, Moorsley, Moorsly, Moorsmith, Moorston, Moorton, Moorwing, Wickcroft, Wickfield, Wickford, Wickham, Wickhart, Wickhouse, Wicking, Wicksley, Wicksly, Wicksmith, Wickston, Wickton, Wickwing, Woodcroft, Woodfield, Woodford, Woodham, Woodhart, Woodhouse, Wooding, Woodsley, Woodsly, Woodsmith, Woodston, Woodton, Woodwing, Yeomcroft, Yeomfield, Yeomford, Yeomham, Yeomhart, Yeomhouse, Yeoming, Yeomsley, Yeomsly, Yeomsmith, Yeomston, Yeomton, Yeomwing

Redguard names[]


Redguard names tend to be radiant syllables connected by an apostrophe.


Camaron, Greklith, K'avar, Lhotun, Provlith, Thaik, Vhosek


Akorithi, Aubk-i, Charvek-si, Dh'emka, Whitka

List of Static characters[]

Name Race Gender Location Region Province Faction
Akorithi Redguard Female Castle Sentinel Sentinel Hammerfell
Archer Breton Female,Male None
Assassin Breton Male Dark Brotherhood
Auberon Flyte Breton Male
Aubk'i Redguard Female Castle Daggerfall Daggerfall
Baerter Redguard Male Castle Sentinel Sentinel Hammerfell
Baltham Greyman Breton Male
Barenziah Dunmer Female Castle Wayrest
Battlemage Female,Male None
Beldam Unknown Female [?] Witch Covens
Blacksmith Breton Male Any Armory High Rock
Borki Redguard Female Castle Sentinel Sentinel Hammerfell
Brisienna Magnessen Nord Female Cloud Ruler Temple Blades
Camaron Redguard Male
Carolyna Breton Female Castle Wayrest
Charvek-si Redguard Female Castle Sentinel, Sentinel Sentinel Hammerfell
Churmi Redguard Female Castle Sentinel Sentinel Hammerfell
City Guard ? Male High Rock, Hammerfell
Cyndassa Breton Female Daggerfall Castle
Dark Slayers Dark Brotherhood Guild
Doryanna Flyte ? Female
Eadwyre Breton Male Castle Wayrest Wayrest Royalty
Elysana Breton Female Castle Wayrest Wayrest Royalty
Fhozt Redguard Male Castle Sentinel Sentinel Hammerfell
Flildte Redguard Male Castle Sentinel Sentinel Hammerfell
Girchta Redguard Male Castle Sentinel Sentinel Hammerfell
Glastke Redguard Male Castle Sentinel Sentinel Hammerfell
Gortwog gro-Nagorm Orsimer Male Stronghold of Orsinium Orsinium Council
Gothryd Breton Male Castle Daggerfall
Greklith Redguard Male Castle Sentinel Sentinel Hammerfell
Healer Breton Male Any Temple High Rock
Helseth Hlaalu Dunmer Male Castle Wayrest
K'avar Redguard Male Castle Sentinel Sentinel Hammerfell Order of the Candle
Karolis Redguard Male Samuruik
Klaius Breton Male
Knight Breton Female,Male None
Lady Bridwell Breton Female Daggerfall Castle Daggerfall High Rock
Lady Northbridge Redguard Female Castle Sentinel Sentinel Hammerfell
Lhort Redguard Male Castle Sentinel Sentinel Hammerfell
Lhotun Redguard Male Castle Sentinel Sentinel Hammerfell
Lirch Redguard Male Castle Sentinel Sentinel Hammerfell
Lord Bridwell Redguard Male Daggerfall Castle Daggerfall High Rock Knights of the Dragon
Lord Kilbar Breton ? Varies
Lord Woodborne Breton Male Woodborne Hall, Wayrest Wayrest
Lysandus Breton Male Daggerfall
M'egki Redguard Female Castle Sentinel Sentinel Hammerfell
Mannimarco Altmer Male Scourg Barrow Order of the Black Worm
Mast Redguard Male Castle Sentinel Sentinel Hammerfell
Medora Direnni Altmer Female Direnni Clan
Daggerfall Court
Merchants Breton,Redguard Male Taverns
Pawn Shops
Jewel Stores
General Stores
Houses for Sale
All All
Mhurchan Redguard Male Castle Sentinel Sentinel Hammerfell
Missionaries Varies Male
Any temple Iliac Bay High Rock
Morgiah Dunmer Female Castle Wayrest Wayrest
Order of the Black Worm
Mynisera Breton Female Castle Daggerfall Daggerfall High Rock Former Dowager Queen of Daggerfall
Nightblade Breton Female Thieves Guild
Nobles Breton,Redguard,Dunmer Female,Male Castles All All
Nulfaga Breton Female Shedungent Wrothgarian Mountains High Rock Dowager Queen of Daggerfall
Questers N/A N/A Varies Knight Orders
Rogue None
Theives Guild
Rulpca Redguard Female Castle Sentinel Sentinel Hammerfell
Seneschal ? ? Varies Knight Orders
Smiths ? ? Varies Knight Orders
Spell Maker Breton Male Any Temple High Rock Any
Spell Vendors Breton Male Any Temple High Rock
Spellsword Breton Male None
Summoner Breton Male Any Temple High Rock
Sylch Greenwood Bosmer Male
T'uth Redguard Male Castle Sentinel Sentinel Hammerfell
The Underking Undead Male Wayrest
Thujam Redguard Male Castle Sentinel Sentinel Hammerfell
Trainer Redguard,? Female,Male Various Faction bases High Rock
Trainer Breton Male Any Temple High Rock
Vact Redguard Male
Vest Redguard Male Castle Sentinel Sentinel Hammerfell
Vhosek Redguard Male Castle Sentinel Sentinel Hammerfell


  • Redguards living in High Rock often have Breton names.


This section contains bugs related to Characters (Daggerfall). Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following:

  1. Please reload an old save to confirm if the bug is still happening.
  2. If the bug is still occurring, please post the bug report with the appropriate system template  360  /  XB1  ,  PS3  /  PS4  ,  PC  /  MAC  ,  NX  /  PS5  ,  XS  , depending on which platform(s) the bug has been encountered on.
  3. Be descriptive when listing the bug and fixes, but avoid having conversations in the description and/or using first-person anecdotes: such discussions belong on the appropriate forum board.
  •  PC   Male Bretons will occasionally spawn with female names.
  •  PC   Characters may spawn on top of each other, and become unable to move.

