Claudie Themond is a deceased Breton in Glenumbra. She haunts Baelborne Rock ruins so Athel Baelborne cannot take over his estate after his father. She was betrayed by his father and thus made a deal with a Daedra so her son could live.
Legacy of Baelborne Rock[]
The Vestige is asked to help Athel to solve the legacy of the estate.
When summoning her:
"What is this place? What happened to the tower? What … what have you done? The Baelbornes hired you, didn't they? But you don't understand. You don't know what I gave up to stop them. I lost everything! I lost my … my baby."
- Tell me what happened. "I fell in love with a coward. A Baelborne who couldn't disappoint his mother, even if it meant his beloved had to die. My love turned to hatred in that tower. Before the end, I begged and prayed for someone to help my unborn child."
- And someone answered your prayers? "You have to understand. Akatosh. Daedra. It didn't matter who heard me. I just wanted my baby to live."
- Then what happened? "I made a bargain. Got my revenge. Saved my baby. The Baelbornes deserved to lose what they loved the most. Their wealth. Their lands. I felt my child leave me. I could smell the smoke from the tower. I heard the screams. The deal had been struck."
- The Baelbornes are different now. "The Baelbornes don't change! That family carries evil in its heart. Let them all rot. The ward in the waterfall will always keep the Baelbornes away. The master made it with his own blood."
- What happens if I remove the ward? "No! You can't. The master won't let you. My … my baby. What … what would become of him? The master would kill him. I don't believe you would do such a thing. You know the Baelbornes are evil. You know that my curse must stand."
- The Baelbornes are different now. "The Baelbornes don't change! That family carries evil in its heart. Let them all rot. The ward in the waterfall will always keep the Baelbornes away. The master made it with his own blood."
If the Vestige choses to leave the curse intact, after Athel Baelborne runs off a cliff:
"Every Baelborne who dares to return to this land shall fall."
- What happened here? "The Baelborne heir … he could have been my son, if Maurice had only stood up to his evil mother. Instead, he let her lock me in that tower. What happened? Only what was meant to be.
- But what happened to Athel? "He ran head first off this cliff. The curse remains in place, just as Tachnim promised when he first appeared to me in the tower. You know, I never asked what happened to my child. It's comfort enough that Tachnim continues to honor our bargain."
- Why didn't the curse affect me? "You aren't a Baelborne. Besides, we believed that you would do the right thing. I hope my child grew up with the same virtues that you demonstrated here. Thank you."
- But what happened to Athel? "He ran head first off this cliff. The curse remains in place, just as Tachnim promised when he first appeared to me in the tower. You know, I never asked what happened to my child. It's comfort enough that Tachnim continues to honor our bargain."
Legacy of Baelborne Rock[]
After finding the journal:
Claudie Themond: "Hand in hand, we snuck through the gardens and sat on a bench beneath the moon. The way he looked at me sent shivers down my spine." "Our love is forbidden. Still, we care for each other deeply. He plans to tell his parents of our love soon." Maurice Baelborne: "I've returned, my love. I missed you so much."
After finding the necklace:
Claudie Themond: "Maurice … what is this? It's beautiful." Maurice Baelborne: "My mother's necklace. She gave it to me. Told me to give it to the woman who would … who would become my wife." Claudie Themond: "Is this … is this what I think it means? Oh, Maurice! This is the happiest day of my life."
After finding the bloodstained tunic:
Claudie Themond: "I didn't steal your necklace, my lady! I swear to you. Your son gave it to me. Maurice, please tell her!" Lady Baelborne: "Silence! My son would never give my necklace to a lowly serving girl. I don't know which is worse, your lies or your thieving fingers." Claudie Themond: "Maurice! Please! Tell her of our love. The time we've spent together. Why won't you say anything?" Maurice Baelborne: "I'm sure she didn't mean to steal it. She's been working awfully hard. Perhaps exhaustion …." Lady Baelborne: "Enough! I'll hear no more excuses. Punish her with the whip and then lock her in the tower."
- Claudie is the author of Claudie's Journal and Claudie's Last Entry.