- "If you convince me you know how to use a needle and thread, I'll certify you. However, you must commit. I can't certify two things at once."
- ―Millenith[src]
Clothier Certification is a quest available to be initiated from Millenith in a Fighters Guild Hall around first zones in Tamriel.
If I can prove I know how to use a needle and thread, Millenith will certify me as a clothier.
Quick walkthrough[]
- Talk to Millenith
- Acquire Raw Jute: 0/10
- Talk to Millenith
- Talk to Millenith
- Acquire Jute: 0/5
- Talk to Millenith
- Talk to Millenith
- Craft Homespun Gloves: 0/1
- Talk to Millenith
- Talk to Millenith
- Deconstruct a Clothing Item
- Talk to Millenith
In order to begin the quest, the Vestige must speak to Millenith. Millenith can be found at the Fighters Guild chapters in any of the three Alliances' first cities, along with Orsinium, Vivec City, and Alinor.
Millenith instructs you to first search for some raw jute, directing you to a patch growing on the edge of town. After the materials are acquired, go to the city's clothing station and ask Millenith for the next step. She then instructs you to refine the materials into jute at the clothing station. When this is done she tells you to craft Homespun Gloves, for which you will also need a style material. Finally, she tells you to deconstruct the gloves or any other clothing item. When this task has been completed, Millenith certifies you to fulfill Clothier Writs and gives you your rewards.
"Let me know if you have some time. I can train and certify you in something else!"
- I'd like to know more about clothier certification. "If you convince me you know how to use a needle and thread, I'll certify you. However, you must commit. I can't certify two things at once."
- I want to be certified as a clothier. "Show me you can craft a pair of homespun gloves. First you'll collect some raw jute, then return here and refine it. Finally, you'll use refined jute to make the gloves."
- You'll certify me if I craft homespun gloves? "Of course! It was the first trade I studied. I'm happy to certify anyone familiar with a clothing station. Now, run forth and bring me a pile of raw jute."
- Where can I find raw jute? "I spotted some raw jute growing on the outskirts of town. You might as well harvest it yourself. Should that not be enough, you'll have to search elsewhere."
- I'll return with the jute, Millenith. "Search grassy areas in the wilderness for raw jute. You should find enough if you look around."
- I'll go make the gloves, then. "Craft a pair of homespun gloves. You'll need refined jute and a style material. Clothiers sell those, if you can't find any yourself."
"Head to the clothing station and craft a pair of homespun gloves. You shouldn't need much refined jute. Don't forget the style material. You can purchase them from any clothier, or scavenge them yourself."
"Take the raw jute to a clothing station. If you have enough, you can easily refine it. Bring the refined jute to me when you're done, and then you'll make some homespun gloves."
- Where can I find raw jute? "I spotted some raw jute growing on the outskirts of town. You might as well harvest it yourself. Should that not be enough, you'll have to search elsewhere."
- You'll certify me if I craft homespun gloves? "Of course! It was the first trade I studied. I'm happy to certify anyone familiar with a clothing station. Now, run forth and bring me a pile of raw jute."
- I want to be certified as a clothier. "Show me you can craft a pair of homespun gloves. First you'll collect some raw jute, then return here and refine it. Finally, you'll use refined jute to make the gloves."
- 46–151
- Hemming
- 1,000 Clothing Inspiration
Journal Entry |
I should speak with her and find out what she wants me to do.
Millenith wants me to return with raw jute. I should search the area she mentioned. If I don't find enough raw jute, I should search grassy areas.
Alternatively, I could ask a friend for help or purchase some from a guild store.
I should speak with Millenith and let her know I have enough raw jute.
Millenith asked me to return with jute. I can refine raw jute into jute at a clothing station.
Alternatively, I could ask a friend for help or purchase some from a guild store.
I should speak with Millenith and let her know I have refined enough jute.
I need to craft and deliver simple homespun gloves to Millenith. I must bring five jute and one If I can't find a style material, I can purchase one from any clothier.
| style material to a clothing station before I can create the gloves.
I should speak with Millenith and let her know I created Homespun Gloves.
I need to deconstruct the Homespun Gloves I made for Millenith. I can do so at a clothing station.
Millenith said I could deconstruct something else if I wanted to keep the Homespun Gloves.
Millenith is satisfied with my skill as a clothier. I should speak with her to become certified. Once certified, I will be able to fulfill clothiercrafting writs.
- If the Vestige's Clothier skill line is level 10 or higher, Millenith will simply grant them the certification without requiring a demonstration of their skill.
- The objectives to acquire Raw Jute and refined Jute will be skipped if the Vestige already has enough in their inventory and bank storage.