Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"You'll face whatever I can pull together for the day's events, and even I don't often know what that'll be much in advance. Criminals, heretics, wild beasts. If you can't roll with the punches, at least leap to your grave. The crowd loves that."
―Codus ap Dugal[src]

Arena Master Codus ap Dugal is the gamekeeper of the Kvatch Arena. Codus runs a tight ship and makes sure to apply the rules of the arena, refusing to fix any matches, as drawing in crowds are his main priority. He is also the brother of the Pirate Queen, Governor Fortunata ap Dugal, but does not speak to his sister and prefers to stay out of her affairs.


The Roar of the Crowds[]

After obtaining the quest from the Kvatch Bounty Board, it is optional to speak with Codus before entering the Arena. Speaking with him will give you an understanding on how the arena works and what you will face. Once all the enemies have been defeated, speak to Codus to claim your reward.

A Special Request[]

After his sister's assassination, Codus will believe that she drunkenly fell off the balcony to her death.



Show: The Roar of the Crowds

"You want tickets, talk to the front counter. You want a refund, go jump in the sea. All sales are final."

Your name sounds familiar. Any relation to Fortunata ap Dugal?
  • (Before A Special Request) "If you're friendly with my sister, don't expect any special treatment. Fixed fights don't draw crowds. If you've got a problem with her, take it to Anvil. Nobody holds sway over the Pirate Queen, least of all me."
  • (After A Special Request) "My sister and I were estranged long before she tumbled drunk off her balcony and went splat on the ground. This is my arena. I set the fights and make the rules. If you've got a problem with that, you can direct your complaints to the nearest bear."
I want to face your best gladiator in the arena.
"Oh, do you now? Look, if I don't know you, you aren't worth knowing. You want to earn a name worthy of being on the same card as one of our champions, get in the put and start drawing in some crowds!"
That's it? I don't have to sign anything?
"Find yourself in that pit and your life is property of this arena until you claw your way out. Manage that and there's a hefty purse waiting on the other side. That's the contract in full. Don't expect me to waste paper to put it to writing."
What should I expect once I'm inside?
"You'll face whatever I can pull together for the day's events, and even I don't often know what that'll be much in advance. Criminals, heretics, wild beasts. If you can't roll with the punches, at least leap to your grave. The crowd loves that."

"Akatosh take me, I did not see that coming! You've got a future in this bloody work, mark my words."

I'm here to claim my reward. "And a well-earned reward it is! I haven't seen a beating that brutal since the Spear Sisters bested the Iron Lion in nothing but their smallclothes [sic] [Do not change this to small clothes. This misspelled word is how it appears in-game.]. Here's the victory purse. I suggest you live a little before your next dance with death!"


  • "You want to get in on a fight card, just hop in the pit. I don't give billing to walk-ins."
  • "Don't jump onto the field unless you want to become part of the act."
  • "Organizing fights is the easy part. It's cleaning up after them that's murder."
  • "A gladiator's life is simple. Fight and live or fight and die. Sometimes I envy that."


  • Codus is likely the ancestor of Torradan ap Dugal, as Fortunata has no known children before her death.

