A wooden coffin.
- For other uses, see Coffin.
Coffins are containers in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion that are usually found in caves and forts, where undead or vampires roam.
Coffins contain random loot that are dependent by the Hero of Kvatch level. Usually they contain bones, gold, and clothing. Rarely, they may contain weapons, armor, potions, or other valuable items.
- Amelion Tomb
- Anga
- Barren Cave
- Bloodcrust Cavern
- Bloodrun Cave
- Crowhaven
- Dasek Moor
- Echo Cave
- Fanacas
- Fingerbowl Cave
- Fort Blueblood
- Fort Carmala
- Fort Cuptor
- Fort Dirich
- Fort Facian
- Fort Hastrel
- Fort Magia
- Fort Naso
- Fort Ontus
- Fort Redman
- Fort Redwater
- Fort Variela
- Fort Virtue
- Fort Vlastarus
- Gutted Mine
- Imperial City Sewers
- Jakben Imbel's House
- Kindred Cave
- Leafrot Cave
- Lipsand Tarn
- Lost Boy Cavern
- Memorial Cave
- Moss Rock Cavern
- Ninendava
- Nornalhorst
- Redwater Slough
- Smoke Hole Cave
- Underpall Cave
- [?]