Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"This is a road?"
Decumus Scotti[src]

Commerce Road was an Imperial-built road in Black Marsh,[1] the province of which the Argonians were native.[2] It was poor quality road and was covered in reeds that always grew back onto the road despite numerous efforts to get rid of them including using fire and horses.[1] It was used by merchants to ferry passengers and trade goods between the town of Slough Point and Hixinoag to the north and the city of Gideon to the south.[1] Due to it being a major route of goods and passengers, it was often the site of raids by the Naga,[1] a breed of Argonians who were considered responsible for a majority of the crime in Black Marsh.[2]

Later, the Ambassador Tseeixth requested the Septim Empire placed magically-lit lanterns at regular intervals alongside the road, and built more Imperial Legion patrol stations to better secure the road from wild creatures and the Naga, though this proved unnecessary, as the collapse of the road and the lack of merchants using it to rob forced the Nagas to move deeper back into the swamp, though the Ambassador remained blissfully unaware of this causality, and continued sending payments to Decumus Scotti, who promptly embezzled them, the problem having been solved on its own.[3]


