Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Corprus Cure is the eighth quest in the main questline of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, after Sixth House Base.



Corprus: The Divine Disease[]

After destroying the Gnaar Mok's Sixth House base on Ilunibi, Nerevarine has been tainted with corprus, the terrible disease that Dagoth Ur spread around Vvardenfell. While diseased, the disposition of the characters will drop as they fear corprus. This may cause problems when high disposition is needed.

Cross through land and go to Balmora, where there is a boat in Gnaar Mok which can transport Nerevarine to Khuul. From there, take a Silt Strider to Ald'ruhn and another one to Balmora. In the Hlaalu city, go to Spymaster Caius Cosades and inform him about the disease. The Spymaster will be very preoccupied with Nerevarine's condition. The Spymaster knows Fast Eddie, a former Telvanni, who said that Divayth Fyr, an old and wise Telvanni wizard, currently studies the disease and maybe he can help Nerevarine. Caius will give a Dwemer artifact to Nerevarine, in order to gain the wizard's sympathy. The Spymaster will give 1000 drakes and Levitation potions too, for Telvanni Towers require them.

A 4000 Year Old Wizard[]

The new objective is Tel Fyr, Divayth's Tower, the place is next to Sadrith Mora, in Azura's Coast. The fastest way to get there is the Mages Guild's teleporter to Sadrith Mora, or alternatively using the Silt Strider and boat services to reach the city. Cross the archipelago to the southwest until Tel Fyr appears.

Inside the tower, go right and enter the Hall of Fyr. There is a traditional Telvanni hole in the roof, use the Levitate potion or spell to climb and reach the second floor.

Divayth Fyr Dark

Divayth Fyr

Divayth Fyr is standing next to an open book, gain his disposition giving him the Dwemer artifact. Divayth Fyr knows much about the divine disease and will offer a potion that may cure corprus or kill the Nerevarine. The wizard will only give the potion if the Nerevarine does a task for him; he wants the Dwemer Boots of Flying from Yagrum Bagarn, one of his corprus victims who he houses in Corprusarium.


Yagrum Bagarn

Yagrum Bagarn

Go back to Onyx Hall and find the way to Corprusarium, the Argonian guard Vistha-Kai will advise to not harm the inmates. Take caution in Corprusarium, as corprus monsters can be aggressive and enter the Bowels.

Corprusarium Bowels[]

Yagrum Bagarn is standing in a spider-machine which resembles the Centurion Spiders next to Uupse Fyr, one of Divayth's daughters. Talking to Uupse will reveal that her playing a Guarskin Drum soothes the inmates and there is one around somewhere. The drum is back in the Corprusarium proper by a campfire on the east branch, however, any guarskin drum will do if the Nerevarine has one in their inventory. There is no audible sound effect for the results, but the effect makes all of the corpus creatures in both the Corprusarium and the Bowels non-aggressive.

Surprisingly, Yagrum Bagarn is a Dwemer, he is the last of his race alive and was tainted with corprus in the Red Mountain. He will give the Nerevarine the boots and can be asked about his race and what he thinks happened to them.

Dwemer Boots MW

Dwemer Boots of Flying

The Cure[]

Yagrum will give the Dwemer Boots of Flying. Go back to Divayth Fyr and give him the boots, and he will gladly hand over the potion, but with one condition: the Nerevarine has to drink the potion in front of him. The potion will cure the Corprus disease or kill the Nerevarine. Drink the potion when ready. After drinking the potion, the corprus is not cured, but all the negative effects of the disease are lost. Divayth Fyr says he never wanted to cure the Nerevarine of corprus, as they are meant to have corprus and immunity to other diseases.

Return to Spymaster Cosades for his last order.


Corprus Cure – A2_3_CorprusCure
ID Journal Entry
1 The Spymaster promoted me to Traveler rank, but is very worried about my Corprus disease. My best chance of a cure is Divayth Fyr, an ancient Telvanni wizard who runs a Corprusarium for victims of the disease. With the Dwemer artifact and 1000 gold Caius gave me, I'll go to Tel Fyr and persuade Divayth Fyr to cure my corprus disease. I must hurry back to the Spymaster when I'm cured, because Caius knows how to get the lost prophecies Nibani Maesa asked for.
  • Quest accepted
5 Caius says Tel Fyr, Divayth Fyr's tower, is southwest of Sadrith Mora, on an island on the southwestern edge of Zafirbel Bay. There's no boat service, so I must water-walk or swim from Sadrith Mora. Use the guild guide at the Mages Guild to reach Sadrith Mora. Then, at Wolverine Hall, Fighters Guild, ask the scout Sondryn Irathi for detailed directions to Tel Fyr. Caius gave me levitation potions, since Telvanni wizards don't use stairs.
10 I showed Divayth Fyr the Dwemer artifact the Spymaster gave me, but I didn't give it to him.
12 I showed Divayth Fyr the Dwemer artifact the Spymaster gave me, but I didn't give it to him. He seemed annoyed with me.
15 I gave Divayth Fyr the Dwemer artifact the Spymaster gave me. It seems to have made a good impression on him.
20 Divayth Fyr says that the corprus disease makes you immune to other diseases, and that the Nerevarine prophecies say the Nerevarine will be immune to disease. Can it just be a coincidence?
25 Divayth Fyr has offered to give me a potion that may cure me of corprus disease. It might also kill me, but, as he says, I haven't a better choice. All I have to do is go down into the Corprusarium, find a corprus victim named Yagrum Bagarn, collect a pair of boots from him, then return to Divayth Fyr, and he'll give me the potion.
28 I have been warned by Vistha-Kai, Warden of the Corprusarium, not to harm the inmates of the Corprusarium.
30 I have killed one of the inmates of the Corprusarium.
32 I have killed one of the residents of Tel Fyr. I doubt this will make me popular with the wizard Divayth Fyr.
40 Yagrum Bagarn gave me the Dwemer boots Divayth Fyr asked for. Now, when I deliver these boots to Divayth Fyr, he will give me the potion that I hope will cure my corprus disease.
46 I gave Divayth Fyr the Dwemer boots from Yagrum Bagarn, and he offered to give me the potion, but only if I'd take it right there, before his eyes, so he could closely observe its effects. Those are his conditions. He said to come back when I'm ready to take the potion.
50 I gave Divayth Fyr the Dwemer boots from Yagrum Bagarn, and he gave me the potion. It didn't cure me. But it did remove all apparent signs of the disease. Divayth Fyr said he didn't actually WANT to cure me. He just wanted to remove the harmful features of the disease while preserving its virtues. It worked. And now Divayth Fyr is eager to test the potion on subjects in the Corprusarium. But I must hurry back to report to the Spymaster, and search for the lost prophecies.
  • Quest completed
Corprus Cure – A2_3_CorprusKiller
10 I have killed one of the inmates of the Corprusarium.
20 I have killed one of the residents of Tel Fyr. I doubt this will make me popular with the wizard Divayth Fyr.
30 I have killed one of the inmates of the Corprusarium. Divayth Fyr says he cannot forget what I've done, but he will forgive me.
  • Quest completed
Corprus Cure – A2_3_CorprusSafe
10 Uupse Fyr said that if I would find a guarskin drum and bring it to her, she could play the drum to calm the corprus victims. She says the victims wander away with the drum sometimes, so I'll have to search for it.
  • Quest accepted
100 I brought Uupse Fyr a guarskin drum so she could play some rhythms to soothe the corprus victims.
  • Quest completed
Corprus Cure – A2_3_Corprus_Vistha
1 I have been warned by Vistha-Kai, Warden of the Corprusarium, not to harm the inmates of the Corprusarium.
  • Quest completed

