Criminal Corresponence is a collection of 97 books, letters and notes that make up part of the Eidetic Memory.
Available books[]
Title | Author | Collection | Locations |
A Letter to the Mayor | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence |
A Perfect Score | Hundred-Scales | Criminal Correspondence |
A Smuggler's Plan | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence | |
A Word to the Wise | "H" | Criminal Correspondence |
About the Boss | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence | |
Articles of the Sakkr-al-Behr | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence |
Azum's Journal | Azum | Criminal Correspondence | |
Bashshi-ra Inquiry (partial) | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence |
Bjoulsae Boys Charter | Curnard "The Generous" Thelin | Criminal Correspondence | |
Black Dagger Recall Orders | Hegris | Criminal Correspondence |
Blackguard Instructions, One | Margus Derius | Criminal Correspondence |
Blackguard Instructions, Three | Margus Derius | Criminal Correspondence |
Blackguard Instructions, Two | Margus Derius | Criminal Correspondence |
Broken Helm Notes | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence | |
Burnt Note | Advisor Norion | Criminal Correspondence |
Camandar's Journal | Camandar | Criminal Correspondence | |
Captain Lagra's Ledger | Thibel Fairclerk | Criminal Correspondence |
Confessions of a Khajiiti Fur Trader | The Fur Trader | Criminal Correspondence | |
Confessions of a Skooma Eater | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence |
Cover Every Approach | The Hound | Criminal Correspondence | |
Curnard's Journal | Curnard | Criminal Correspondence | |
Dealing with Quitters | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence | |
Deckhand's Log | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence | |
Digging Orders | Camandar the Amazing | Criminal Correspondence | |
Don't Mess This Up | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence | |
End of My Patience | Krin Ren-dro | Criminal Correspondence |
Excuses Don't Buy Mansions | C | Criminal Correspondence | |
Fjar's Interrogation Transcript | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence | |
Flyleaf Catacombs (Note) | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence | |
Fool! | T | Criminal Correspondence | |
For Mathal | Enak-do | Criminal Correspondence |
For the Doyen, Sleek Splendid-Paws | Lithyyorion "the Nimble" | Criminal Correspondence | |
Get Back to Work | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence | |
Gilded Letter | Valano | Criminal Correspondence | |
Gold Coast Missive | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence |
Greetings from the Orcthane | Fildgor Orcthane | Criminal Correspondence | |
Harrani's Report | Mistral Guard | Criminal Correspondence |
Hidden-Hands' Journal | Hidden-Hands | Criminal Correspondence |
Hizrabi's Report | Hizrabi-do | Criminal Correspondence |
Hope and Recriminations | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence | |
Ilessan Tower (Book) | T | Criminal Correspondence |
In the Event of Your Demise | Norion | Criminal Correspondence | |
Instructions for Placement | Advisor Norion | Criminal Correspondence | |
It's the Hunt that Counts | Severus Tappo | Criminal Correspondence |
Ithis Omalor's Orders | Magistrix Vox | Criminal Correspondence |
Journal of Garron | Investigator Garron | Criminal Correspondence | |
Khajiiti Note | Arbhu-ra | Criminal Correspondence |
Last Warning, Cat | CTB | Criminal Correspondence |
Letter from Rakhad | Rakhad | Criminal Correspondence |
Letter to Agnor | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence |
Letter to Ando | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence | |
Letter to Dhalen | Fildgor Orcthane | Criminal Correspondence | |
Letter to Skull-Brother Xandier | Emutaril | Criminal Correspondence |
Letter to Zurga gra-Murtag | Grazubesha gra-Murtag | Criminal Correspondence | |
Lockpick Sales-Duty | "SP" | Criminal Correspondence | |
Message to Jena | M | Criminal Correspondence |
Nellor's Bandit Connection | "M" | Criminal Correspondence |
No Reason to Worry | R | Criminal Correspondence | |
Nobility in Theft | Zizar-dar | Criminal Correspondence |
Notable Transactions | Rinfir-jo | Criminal Correspondence |
Note from Captain Accalia | Captain Accalia | Criminal Correspondence |
Note from Khezuli's Contact | Quartermaster Oblan | Criminal Correspondence | |
Note from Sagabar | Bailiff Sagabar | Criminal Correspondence | |
Note on Broken Crate | Merdyndril | Criminal Correspondence | |
Note to Darius | Captain Accalia | Criminal Correspondence | |
Note to Gilbard | Ferrand | Criminal Correspondence | |
Note to Pellus | Captain Accalia | Criminal Correspondence |
Note to Rufinus | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence |
Note to Selias | Tervur Sadri | Criminal Correspondence |
Notes on Bewan | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence | |
Orders are Orders | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence | |
Orders from the Chief | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence |
Recruiting a Ranger | Krin Ren-dro | Criminal Correspondence |
Red Rook's Journal | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence | |
Red Rook Orders | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence | |
Red Rook Orders: Cryptwatch | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence | |
Reminder | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence | |
Resources for Lukiul | Naril Heleran | Criminal Correspondence |
Scrawled Note to Lorne | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence | |
Skooma Runner Logs | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence | |
Smuggler's Note (Forgotten Crypts) | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence |
Smuggler's Note (Smuggler's Tunnel) | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence | |
Sphinxmoth Bandit Leader's Notes | Captain Accalia | Criminal Correspondence |
Taking Tolls! | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence |
Tattered Note (Online) | Zendrinn | Criminal Correspondence | |
Telvanni Requirements | Llarel Telvanni | Criminal Correspondence |
The Dose Makes the Poison | Zanziba the Clever | Criminal Correspondence | |
The Ghost is Our Friend | Skull-Mother Fairynn | Criminal Correspondence |
The Interrogation of Henghild | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence | |
The Perfect Batch | Azbi-ra | Criminal Correspondence |
Tsanji's Ship Records | Tsanji | Criminal Correspondence | |
Unlabeled Notes | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence | |
Warning: I Heard You! | Camandar the Brilliant | Criminal Correspondence | |
Watch Your Back | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence | |
We Expect Absolute Discretion | Bloodthorn Cult | Criminal Correspondence |
Your Final Chance | Anonymous | Criminal Correspondence |