- For other uses, see Daedric Shield.
The Daedric Shield is a piece of heavy armor and part of the Daedric Armor set. Like other Daedric items, it emits a red glow when equipped.
Unenchanted shields will begin to appear throughout Skyrim at level 48 and enchanted variants can be found at level 49. These locations include:
- Found as random loot in chests.
- Dropped as random loot by Legendary Dragons.
- Dremora Merchants will also occasionally sell Daedric shields at higher levels, both unenchanted and enchanted variants.
Daedric Shields requires a Smithing level of 90 and the Daedric Smithing perk to create. It can be forged at a blacksmith's forge with the following components:
- 1 x Daedra Heart
- 1 x Leather Strips
- 4 x Ebony Ingots
It can be upgraded with an Ebony Ingot at a workbench and also benefits from the Daedric Smithing perk, which doubles the improvement.
The Atronach Forge[]
Daedric Shields can also be crafted at the Atronach Forge, however to do so requires a Sigil Stone that can only be obtained via Conjuration Ritual Spell, which in itself requires a Conjuration skill of 90.
The Atronach Forge requires the following components to forge a Daedric Shield:
- 1 x Sigil Stone
- 1 x Daedra Heart
- 1 x Unenchanted Ebony Shield
- 1 x Centurion Dynamo Core
- 1 x Black Soul Gem (empty or filled)
- Daedric Shields are one of two shields with an asymmetrical design, the other being Falmer Shields.