Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"I'm the hardest worker in Left Hand. Better than any man."

Daighre is a Breton miner who can be found outside Left Hand Mine. She has a daughter named Erith, who has a dog named Torom. She owns Daighre's House. She is also a widow.


Forsworn Attacks[]

Daighre: "Do you think the Forsworn will come here? I mean, if they attacked Kolskeggr...." Skaggi: "Let's just hope that doesn't happen."

You've worked hard[]

Skaggi: "You work hard, Daighre. Glad you have stayed with us." Daighre: "I'm grateful, Skaggi. I'm sorry my daughter gives you so much trouble."

Leave Skaggi alone[]

Daighre: "Skaggi tells me that you were bothering him today. Can't you and Torom just play by yourselves?" Erith: "But mom, it's so boring with just me and Torom. I was just asking Skaggi some questions." Daighre: "You leave him alone. I don't want to hear Skaggi telling me you've been bothering him again!" Erith: "Yes, ma'am."

Erith's father[]

Erith: "Mama, can we talk. You know, about papa?" Daighre: "Of course, sweetie. What'd you like to know?" Erith: "I don't know. What'd he look like?" Daighre: "He had your soft face, and that silly grin you get when you've done something wrong. That's his, too."


  • "I'm the hardest worker in Left Hand. Better than any man."
  • "Most women would rather die than dig, but I have a daughter to raise."
  • "My Erith has her father's eyes. She's all I have left of him."
  • "Poor Pavo and Gat. To have lived through a Forsworn attack."
  • "Another day, another settlement gets attacked. No place in the Reach is safe from the Forsworn."

