Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Damage Attribution-Icon
For other uses, see Damage Attribute.
"This effect lowers the value of one of a victim's attributes. Only Strength, Intelligence, Willpower, Agility, Speed, Endurance, Personality, and Luck are affected. Any derived attributes are recalculated. Attributes do not return to their original values at the end of the spell's duration; they can only be restored with the appropriate restore attribute spell or potion. The magnitude is the units of attribute lost each second of duration."
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Construction Set[src]

Damage Attribute is a magic effect in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind that is a member of the Destruction school of magic, governed by Willpower. Its base Magicka cost is 8.00 points.


The following spells consist of a Damage Attribute effect. They may include additional effects. See articles for details.

Damage Attribute Spells
Name Type Cost
Range Gold Base ID
Clench Spell 4 1 20 Instant Touch clench
Dratha's Spite Spell 63 2 4 10 Target Dratha_Spite
Dread Curse: Agility Spell 5 5 10 Instant Target dread curse: agility
Dread Curse: Endurance Spell 3 5 12 Instant Touch dread curse: endurance
Dread Curse: Intelligence Spell 3 5 12 Instant Touch dread curse: intelligence
Dread Curse: Luck Spell 3 5 12 Instant Touch dread curse: luck
Dread Curse: Personality Spell 3 5 12 Instant Touch dread curse: personality
Dread Curse: Speed Spell 3 5 12 Instant Touch dread curse: speed
Dread Curse: Strength Spell 3 5 12 Instant Touch dread curse: strength
Dread Curse: Willpower Spell 3 5 12 Instant Touch dread curse: willpower
Emasculate Spell 4 1 20 Instant Touch emasculate
Evil Eye Spell 2 1 10 Instant Touch evil eye
Fuddle Spell 4 1 20 Instant Touch fuddle
Glyph of Weakness Spell 30 10 25 2 Touch sp_glyphofweakness
Gripes Spell 4 1 20 Instant Touch gripes
Hand of Araynys Spell 70 20 30 Instant Touch hand of araynys
Hand of Dagoth Spell 39 5 5 Instant Touch hand of dagoth
Hand of Gilvoth Spell 70 20 30 Instant Touch hand of gilvoth
Hand of Tureynul Spell 60 20 30 Instant Touch hand of tureynul
Hex Spell 4 1 20 Instant Touch hex
Stumble Spell 4 1 20 Instant Touch stumble
Wrath of Araynys Spell 63 10 20 Instant Target wrath of araynys
Wrath of Dagoth Spell 73 1 3 Instant Target wrath of dagoth
Wrath of Gilvoth Spell 63 10 20 Instant Target wrath of gilvoth
Wrath of Tureynul Spell 45 10 20 Instant Target wrath of tureynul
Woe Spell 4 1 20 Instant Touch woe
Gold = Available for purchase from a spell merchant.


The following spell merchants are purveyors of one or more spells consisting of a Damage Attribute effect:

Damage Attribute Merchants
Name Faction MS Location Spell
Elynu Saren Tribunal Temple 10 Suran: Temple Fuddle
Erer Darothril None 40 Sadrith Mora: Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub Emasculate
Estirdalin Mages Guild 10 Balmora: Mages Guild Fuddle
Farena Arelas * Telvanni 10 Tel Uvirith: Arelas' House Clench
Evil Eye
Ferise Varo None 15 Vos: Varo Tradehouse Clench
Fevyn Ralen Telvanni 10 Vivec, Telvanni Canton: Telvanni Waistworks, Mage Clench
Mertisi Andavel Telvanni 10 Tel Branora: Upper Tower Emasculate
Orrent Geontene Mages Guild 10 Ald'ruhn: Mages Guild Hex
Salver Lleran * Telvanni 10 Vivec, Telvanni Canton: Telvanni Waistworks: Sorcerer Emasculate
Evil Eye

* This person's services are available to faction members of a sufficient rank only.


The following items consist of a Damage Attribute effect. They may include additional effects. See articles for details.

Apparel and jewelry[]

Enchanted Apparel and Jewelry
Item Type Magnitude
Item ID
Bonebiter Charm Amulet 20 20 Instant bonebiter charm
Clench Charm Amulet 1 20 Instant clench charm
Evil Eye Charm Amulet 1 20 Instant evil eye charm
Fuddle Charm Amulet 1 20 Instant fuddle charm
Gripes Charm Amulet 1 20 Instant gripes charm
Hex Charm Amulet 1 20 Instant hex charm
Stumble Charm Amulet 1 20 Instant stumble charm
Woe Charm Amulet 1 20 Instant woe charm


First effect ingredients can be consumed raw for the effect. Otherwise they must be combined using Alchemy.

Alchemy Ingredients
Ingredient WeightIcon Gold First Effect Second Effect Third Effect Fourth Effect Item ID
Wickwheat 0.10 1 ingred_wickwheat_01

Potions and scrolls[]

Potions and Scrolls
Item Type WeightIcon Gold Magnitude
Item ID
Ancient Dagoth Brandy Potion 0.50 1500 20 20 60 potion_ancient_brandy
Scroll of Drathis' Soulrot * Scroll 0.20 162 0 50 Instant sc_drathissoulrot

* Inflicts two (Endurance, Willpower) simultaneous Damage Attribute effects when used.


Weapon damage varies by attack type (chop, slash, or thrust). Refer to individual articles for detailed information.

Enchanted Weapons
Weapon Type Magnitude
Item ID
Ane Teria's Mace Blunt 1H 5 12 Instant ane_teria_mace_unique
Blood Axe BM Axe 2H 4 4 30 bm reaver battle axe
Bonebiter Bow of Sul-Senipul Bow 20 20 Instant bonebiter_bow_unique
Clutterbane * Blunt 1H 10 10 Instant clutterbane
Dagger of Judgement Short Blade 1H 5 8 Instant Dagger of Judgement
Divine Judgement Silver Staff Blunt 2H 5 12 Instant divine judgement silver staff
Her Dart TR Thrown 5 5 Instant her dart
Her Ebony Scimitar TR Long Blade 1H 5 5 Instant Ebony Scimitar_her
Silver Staff of Chastening Blunt 2H 5 12 Instant silver staff of chastening
Silver Staff of Shaming Blunt 2H 5 12 Instant silver staff of shaming
Staff of Llevule Blunt 2H 5 8 Instant staff_of_llevule
Steel Staff of Chastening Blunt 2H 3 8 Instant steel staff of chastening
Steel Staff of Divine Judgement Blunt 2H 3 8 Instant steel staff of divine judgement
Steel Staff of Shaming Blunt 2H 3 8 Instant steel staff of shaming
Wooden Staff of Judgement Blunt 2H 2 4 Instant wooden staff of divine
Wooden Staff of Shaming Blunt 2H 3 8 Instant wooden staff of shaming

* This weapon was not given a magical charge, preventing the enchant from functioning.

See also[]

