Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Not to be confused with Delphine (Skyrim) or Sailor Delphine.
"It's my job to help people learn the proper, constructive use of Destruction magic. And let's face it... blowing things up can be ever so much fun."

Delphine Jend is a Breton member of the Bravil Mages Guild. She is a spell merchant and Journeyman Destruction Trainer. She prides on being the creator of the "Enemies Explode" fireball spell.

She seems to loathe Kynareth and her woodland creatures just like the Master level Destruction trainer Bralsa Andaren.


If killed or pickpocketed, she will have a dummy item sometimes called "Ring." It is a miscellaneous item and may crash the game.



Joining the Mages Guild

"Delphine Jend. Creator of the celebrated 'Enemies Explode' spell. Advanced Trainer in Destruction. And Mage Destined for Great Things."

Bravil "I love my work. Fire, frost, shock, poison... little presents for Kynareth's cute little woodland creatures."
Mages Guild "It's my job to help people learn the proper, constructive use of Destruction magic. And let's fact it... blowing things up can be ever so much fun."


Bravil Recommendation

"Delphine Jend. Creator of the celebrated 'Enemies Explode' spell. Advanced Trainer in Destruction. And Mage Destined for Great Things."

Ardaline "She hasn't been focused on her work recently. It's annoying, frankly."

Spells for sale[]

The following spells are sorted by spell effects in ascending required skill level, for easier spell comparison.

Spell Skill Level Required Effects Base Magicka Cost
AlterationShieldDefend Apprentice (25) Shield 15% for 30 secs on Self 43 MagickaIcon
AlterationFeatherEase Burden Apprentice (25) Feather 50 pts for 240 secs on Self 35 MagickaIcon
AlterationOpenOpen Easy Lock Apprentice (25) Open Easy Lock on Target 29 MagickaIcon
ConjurationBoundArmorBound Cuirass Journeyman (50) Bound Cuirass for 60 secs on Self 72 MagickaIcon
ConjurationScampSummon Scamp Apprentice (25) Summon Scamp for 20 secs on Self 60 MagickaIcon
DestructionFireEnemies Explode Master (100) Fire Damage 5 pts in 10 ft for 5 secs on Target
Fire Damage 70 pts in 20 ft for 1 sec on Target
842 MagickaIcon
DestructionFireFlash Bolt Apprentice (25) Fire Damage 20 pts on Target 52 MagickaIcon
DestructionShockSpark Novice (0) Shock Damage 10 pts on Target 22 MagickaIcon
IllusionCalmSerenity Novice (0) Calm up to level 2 for 10 secs on Target 13 MagickaIcon
IllusionCalmSoothing Touch Novice (0) Calm up to level 2 for 15 secs on Touch 13 MagickaIcon
IllusionCalmPacification Apprentice (25) Calm up to level 2 for 20 secs on Target 26 MagickaIcon
IllusionCalmPacification Apprentice (25) Calm up to level 2 for 20 secs on Target 26 MagickaIcon
IllusionCalmCalming Touch Journeyman (50) Calm up to level 7 for 20 secs on Touch 73 MagickaIcon
IllusionCharmAlluring Gaze Novice (0) Charm 12 pts for 30 secs on Target 21 MagickaIcon
IllusionCharmBeguiling Touch Novice (0) Charm 12 pts for 30 secs on Touch 14 MagickaIcon
IllusionCharmSeductive Charm Apprentice (25) Charm 24 pts for 30 secs on Target 52 MagickaIcon
IllusionCharmMesmerizing Grasp Apprentice (25) Charm 24 pts for 30 secs on Touch 35 MagickaIcon
IllusionCharmEnthralling Presence Journeyman (50) Charm 24 pts in 20 ft for 20 secs on Target 105 MagickaIcon
IllusionDemoralizeTouch of Fear Apprentice (25) Demoralize up to level 3 for 20 secs on Touch 31 MagickaIcon
IllusionFrenzyFrenzy Novice (0) Frenzy up to level 5 for 30 secs on Target 8 MagickaIcon
IllusionFrenzyRage Apprentice (25) Frenzy up to level 10 for 40 secs on Target 26 MagickaIcon
IllusionFrenzyTouch of Rage Apprentice (25) Frenzy up to level 18 for 30 secs on Touch 30 MagickaIcon
IllusionLightIlluminate Novice (0) Light 10 ft for 90 secs on Target 13 MagickaIcon
IllusionLightStarlight Novice (0) Light 20 ft for 60 secs on Self 14 MagickaIcon
IllusionLightMoonlight Apprentice (25) Light 30 ft for 120 secs on Self 47 MagickaIcon
IllusionNightEyeEyes of Eventide Apprentice (25) Night-Eye for 15 secs on Self 33 MagickaIcon
IllusionRallyInspiration Novice (0) Rally 25 pts for 20 secs on Target 5 MagickaIcon
IllusionRallyInspiring Touch Novice (0) Rally 25 pts for 30 secs on Touch 5 MagickaIcon
IllusionRallyHeroic Touch Apprentice (25) Rally 50 pts for 60 secs on Touch 26 MagickaIcon
IllusionRallyHeroism Apprentice (25) Rally 50 pts for 45 secs on Target 30 MagickaIcon
MysticismDetectLifeMajor Life Detection Apprentice (25) Detect Life 60 ft for 20 secs on Self 30 MagickaIcon
MysticismTelekinesisRemote Manipulation Apprentice (25) Telekinesis 10 ft for 20 secs on Target 28 MagickaIcon
RestorationRestoreHeal Major Wounds Apprentice (25) Restore Health 25 pts on Self 61 MagickaIcon

"Base Magicka Cost" refers to how much Magicka it costs to cast the spell without factoring in skill level, attribute level, and individual spell effects. Generally, magicka costs are higher.

