Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Deputy Ascenge is a Breton member of the Hoarfrost Downs town guard.


The Wayward Son[]

A Lion Guard scouting party, made up mostly of new recruits, has gone missing near Farwatch Tower.

The Lover[]

Captain Thayer thinks her last prospect will pose the greatest challenge of all. His name is Julien Rissiel and he's reluctant to enlist because he's in love.


The Wayward Son[]

"Ha! Can you believe that? I heard what Martin said. He's either completely delusional or incredibly naive. He's been a troublemaker all his life, and he's not getting out of those stocks anytime soon."

So you do have evidence against him? "We have enough. We found his boot prints in the mud outside the broken window. He was involved. I'm not sure he was alone, but he was there. In fact, that friend of his, that Olivier—I suspect he may have helped with the robbery."
Is that the friend he expects to vouch for him? "That's the thing. Olivier said he didn't see Martin at all that night. Some friend, huh? If they weren't such amateurs, though, I don't think the constable would've made the deal with Captain Thayer."

The Lover[]

"The constable and I are taking bets on how long before Martin annoys an officer and winds up back in the stocks. I really do wish him the best, but my gold's on two weeks."

What can you tell me about Guendeline? "Why? Are you looking to court my sister, too? Suitors have been lining up for months. That Julien is the worst. I'd be happy to see her wed almost anyone but him. Wait a moment. You're not asking on Julien's behalf, are you?"
[Lie] No. Not for Julien. I'm looking to court your sister. "All right, then. Here's the thing. Whatever you do, don't give her flowers. They make her sneeze something awful. I'd suggest getting her a nice piece of jewelry. She always loved mother's necklaces when we were young. She loves jewelry."
Actually, yes. I'm trying to help Julien. "Oh. Well, in that case. I know! Tell Julien to give her some flowers. She loves flowers. If anything will win my sister over, it's a beautiful bouquet of fragrant flowers."

