- Not to be confused with Balmora.
Dhalmora is a town located in the region of Bal Foyen, Morrowind. It is a recent development with the formation of the Ebonheart Pact, and is primarily inhabited by Argonian Saltrice farmers. The town is constructed mainly of mud houses.
- Baseenar's House
- Esqoo's House
- Humblemud
- Ladrasa's House
- Target Trades
- Dhalmora Hall of Merchants
- Dhalmora Wayshrine
- Veth-Veidal's House
If By Sea[]
Finding the Family[]
Notable items[]
- Skyshard (behind the central house)
- Ah-Kajul
- An-Jeen
- Bar-Beekus
- Barnaxi
- Batuus
- Bokeeus
- Bunach
- Cheedal-Jeen
- Drinks-With-Toes (Banker)
- Dunaxith
- Eleedal-Lai
- Esqoo
- Faral Gilaram
- Fetches-Glitter
- Finds-Plants (Brewer)
- Frohilde Snow-Hair
- Galam Seleth (Guild Trader)
- Geel-Nur
- Ghelos
- Grinds-Nails (Clothier)
- Guard Baseenar
- Has-No-Loom (Tailor)
- Hort Selaro
- Hides-Aplenty (Leatherworker)
- Hixeeh-Raj
- Im-Zish
- Iron-In-Blood (Weaponsmith)
- Ladrasa Bethalas
- Lara-Zish
- Laranieth (Pack Merchant)
- Listens-to-Sea
- Marise Salandas
- Muranatepa (Woodworker)
- Nolu-Azza
- Nebaxireet
- Pejureel (Chef)
- Restless-Tail
- Stands-In-Thought (Alchemist)
- Stones-Over-Water
- Tar-Jekka
- Teeth-Like-Stars
- Vudeelal
- Veth-Veidal
- Weaves-One-Basket (Armorer)
- Wenaxi
- Wind-in-Sails
- Neebaxireet's House was replaced by Humblemud with Update 13's Homestead's addition. Keema-Ja, the house's only resident, was also removed with this update, but Nebaxireet, the house's owner, was not.