Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

For other uses, see Divine Intervention.

Divine Intervention is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind.


Lord Vivec's condition continues to deteriorate as his energy drains away. Archcanon Tarvus believes that Chodala's staff holds the key to saving the Warrior-Poet. However, it also makes the Ashlander practically impervious to harm.


  1. Return to Barilzar's Tower
  2. Find Barilzar
  3. Rescue Barilzar
  4. Talk to Leona Blasio
  5. Talk to Volrina Quarra
  6. Talk to Snorfin
  7. Travel to Nchuleft and retrieve the Dwemer component
  8. Travel to Arkngthunch-Sturdumz and retrieve the Dwemer component
  9. Travel to Galom Daeus and retrieve the Dwemer component
  10. Return to Barilzar and give him the components
  11. [?]
  12. Enter Kaushtarari
  13. Defeat Chodala
  14. Talk to Seryn
  15. Take Sunna'rah
  16. Return to Vivec's Palace (Online)
  17. Talk to Archcanon Tarvus
  18. Use Sunna'rah
  19. Witness the Archcanon's Betrayal
  20. Talk to Seryn
  21. Talk to Vivec


Barilzar's tower[]

Upon arriving at Barilzar's Tower, Daedra will be attacking Barilzar. Defeat the Daedra to rescue him. Afterwards, he will ask the Vestige to talk to his former hirelings who were asked to retrieve Dwarven components for his invention.

Molag Mar[]

In the small town of Molag Mar, west of Barilzar's Tower, three of Barilzar's former hirelings will be waiting. After speaking to them. they will reveal the location of the components in the Dwemer ruins.


Nchuleft is one of the component locations. Travel to the bottom of the ruin, to a large area surrounded by lava. The component is located in a chest on the east side and behind a rock.

Galom Daeus[]

Inside Galom Daeus, Volrina's Notes can be found on the floor. Inside the last room two Berne clan members will be hammering at a destroyed Dwarven spider that will explode and kill them. Loot the spider to find the control rod and use it on the rest of the fallen Dwarven spiders to make them work. Then they will disable the barrier shielding the component, so it can be taken from the chest.


After entering Arkngthunch-Sturdumz, Snorfin's Notes: Arkngthunch-Sturdumz can be immediately found on the ground, giving a hint in what the Vestige must do to get to the component. Spectral guardians and Dwemer constructs will be encountered, and there will be three pipes blowing fire out and preventing access to the component. If the valves on the pipes are activated, the fire will stop and the Vestige can get the component.

Barilzar's Tower[]

Once you have all the components, head back to Barilzar. He will use them to create a Tonal Inverter; take it and speak with him again. He will give you the instructions on how to use it. You need two people for this; one to operate the inverter and one to fight Chodalah. With the inverter in hand, head back to Vivec City.

Vivec City[]

In the Archcanon's office, you will witness an argument between Archcanon Tarvus and Seryn where he refuses to let her see Vivec. Speak with the Archcanon and tell her she is your ally, and he will agree not to throw her out of town and to let her help you. Speak with Seryn afterward and she will tell you that Chodalah is holed up in a ruin named Kaushtarari, south of Sadrith Mora.


Head to Kaushtarari and meet Seryn there. She will tell you that this is a Daedric ruin dedicated to Malacath, and that her brother is most likely seeking a pact with that prince. Head inside and fight your way through some Skaafins; in the first big room, with the water, you will find the bodies of a group of Red Exiles who have been slaughtered. Speak with the one survivor Renos Oran and he will tell you that Malacath rebuked Chodala because Chodala already serves another. Chodala went deeper into the ruins after this; fight through some more Skaafins to reach him. Seryn will remark that Skaafins do not generally associate with Malacath, and that another prince is likely at work here.

Head on into the shrine proper; Chodala will be there. He will send a few more Skaafins after you while Seryn gets the Tonal Inverter working; kill them, then channel the inverter's power to strip Chodala of his protective shield. Chodala will now fight you directly. Kill him, then talk to Seryn about what just happened. She will ask you to take the staff back to Tarvus while she gives her brother a proper funeral.

Take Sunna'rah and head back to Vivec City.

Vivec's Palace[]

Archcanon Tarvus will be in Vivec's palace, in the private chambers. He will be standing over Vivec's body as he sleeps. Speak with him and he will tell you to plant the staff on the floor; that should return the power to Vivec. This will hurt Vivec; Tarvus will reveal that killing him was the intent all along. However, Seryn will charge into the room just in time with the tonal inverter, allowing you to save Vivec. Use the inverter the Archcanon will reveal his true nature; he is in fact Barbas. Doing this has revealed the location of the Clockwork City to him; he will take Sunna'rah and leave.

Speak with Seryn about what just happened and she will tell you that Barbas is a loyal servant of Clavicus Vile. She will ask you to speak with Vivec for more information though. An apparition of him will be floating above his body; speak with him and he will hypothesize that this was all part of some bigger plan. If Barbas enters Clockwork City, disaster will follow. This will finish the quest.


  • 73–302 Gold


Journal Entry
Archacanon [sic] [Do not change this to Archcanon. This misspelled word is how it appears in-game.] Tarvus wants me to return to Barilzar's tower and ask the mage if he knows how we can overcome the power of Chodala's staff, Sunna'rah.
  • Objective: Return to Barilzar's Tower
I need to search Barilzar's tower and find the mage.
  • Objective: Find Barilzar
Inside Barilzar's tower, I found that the place was overrun by Daedra! I need to deal with the monsters before I can talk to Barilzar.
  • Objective: Rescue Barilzar
I defeated the Daedra. Now I can talk to Barilzar and ask him if he knows of a way to circumvent the powers of Chodala's staff, Sunna'rah.
  • Objective: Talk to Barilzar
Barilzar thinks he can build a tonal inverter to counter the power of Chodala's staff. He needs me to collect the components to craft the device and has sent me to Molag Mar to get help from hirelings he's used in the past.
  • Objective: Talk to Leona Blasio
  • Objective: Talk to Volrina Quarra
  • Objective: Talk to Snorfin
Barilzar's former hirelings pointed me toward three ruins where I can find the components he needs to craft the tonal inverter: Nchuleft, Arkngthunch-Sturdumz, and Galom Daeus. I just need to overcome any obstacles in the ruins to retrieve the items.
  • Objective: Retrieve Nchuleft Component
    • Objective Hint: Explore the Nchuleft Depths
  • Objective: Retrieve Arkngthunch-Sturdumz Component
    • Objective Hint: Find Snorfin's Notes
  • Objective: Retrieve Galom Daeus Component
    • Objective Hint: Find Volrina's Notes
    • Objective Hint: Get Control Rod
    • Objective Hint: Use Control Rod on Spiders
I retrieved all three components needed to create the tonal inverter. Now to see if Barilzar can build the device he promised.
  • Objective: Give Barilzar the Components
It looks like Barilzar completed the construction of the tonal inverter. I should retrieve it from his work table.
  • Objective: Get the Tonal Inverter
Now that I have the tonal inverter, I should ask Barilzar how it works.
  • Objective: Talk to Barilzar
I received the tonal inverter and instructions on how to use the device from Barilzar. Now I should return to the Archcanon's office in Vivec City and let Archcanon Tarvus know that we have a way to disrupt Chodala's power.
  • Objective: Report to Archcanon Tarvus
Archcanon Tarvus is holding Seryn. I should talk to him to let him know I have Barilzar's device and convince him to allow Seryn to help me use it against Chodala.
  • Objective: Talk to Archcanon Tarvus
Now that that's settled and I convinced the Archcanon to let Seryn assist me, I should talk to Seryn and decide our next course of action.
  • Objective: Talk to Seryn
Seryn says that her brother and a few of his followers have taken refuge in a shrine to the Daedric Prince Malacath. I should meet her there.
  • Objective: Meet Seryn at Kaushtarari
I rendezvoused with Seryn at the ruins of Kaushtarari. I should give her the tonal inverter before we go inside to confront Chodala.
  • Objective: Give Seryn the Tonal Inverter
Seryn has the tonal inverter. Now to head into the shrine and confront Chodala.
  • Objective: Enter Kaushtarari
Seryn and I have entered the ruins of Kaushtarari. Now we need to locate Chodala and defeat him so that we can recover the staff, Sunna'rah.
  • Objective: Defeat Chodala
  • Optional Step: Talk to Red Exile
We defeated Chodala. I should talk to Seryn and see how she's handling all this.
  • Objective: Talk to Seryn
Now that Chodala has been defeated, I should gather up the staff called Sunna'rah.
  • Objective: Take Sunna'rah
I have Sotha Sil's device, Sunna'rah. Now I need to return to Vivec City and see if the staff can be used to restore Lord Vivec. Seryn said she'd meet me there after she takes care of her brother's remains.
  • Objective: Return to Vivec's Palace
I need to talk to Archcanon Tarvus. I'll probably find him in Vivec's chambers, tending to the weakened god.
  • Objective: Talk to Archcanon Tarvus
Archcanon Tarvus wants me to use Sunna'rah on Lord Vivec so that his divine energy is returned to him.
  • Objective: Use Sunna'rah
I used Sunna'rah as the Archcanon suggested, but something's wrong! It's hurting Vivec, not helping him! Why has the Archcanon betrayed us?
  • Objective: Witness the Archcanon's Betrayal
Seryn thought quickly and used the tonal inverter to once again stop Sunna'rah. I should talk to her and see if we can make sense of what just happened.
  • Objective: Talk to Seryn
Vivec survived that last attempt—barely. I need to talk to him and find out if he can tell me more about Barbas and what just happened here.
  • Objective: Talk to Vivec
  • Quest completed

