- Not to be confused with Donniel.
Donnel is an Elder Nord working at the Treasury House in Markarth.
- "Just here to work."
- ―Donnel[src]
Donnel is a servant who, along with Nana Ildene, works at the Treasury House for the Silver-Blood family. According to dialogue with various characters, he has worked there for decades. He is also affiliated with the Forsworn rebel group, which is revealed during the quest "The Forsworn Conspiracy," when he and Nana attack the Silver-Bloods and the Dragonborn after they begin to investigate into Weylin's murder-suicide.
During combat, Donnel will use his steel dagger, as well as the spells Flames, Oakflesh, and Raise Zombie.
- "I work for the Silver-Bloods. Help clean."