- For other uses, see Dragon's Tongue.
Dragon's Tongue is an alchemical ingredient in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
Members of the Mages Guild who are caught stealing from the guild are temporarily expelled. They will need to collect twenty Dragon's Tongue and twenty Domica Redworts, then give them to Raminus Polus in the Arcane University to rejoin.
- There is a large concentration of Dragon's Tongue at Fort Bulwark (Knights of the Nine required). There are also Domica Redwort and other flora. It is located near the top of the "d" in "Blackwood" on the map — there are eleven Dragon's Tongue, five within the fort's walls and six just outside, and twenty-four Domica Redwort; four within and twenty outside, respectively.
- On a hillside near a body of water, near the "t" of "County Bravil" (south of Bravil on the map), there are two small patches of Dragon's Tongue containing ten and six plants for a total of sixteen.
- There are about four Dragon's Tongue flowers near the door of house Greyland.
- There are many Dragon's Tongue spread around at Fort Redwater on the shore of Panther River.
- There is at least one plant at Black Dog Camp.
- In the far north east of the Arcane University garden area, there are a few plants among the various other concentration of plants.
- There are twelve directly to the west of Fort Irony, in between some trees and rocks, seven on the fort side, and five on the opposite.
- There are three Dragon's Tongue plants located directly west of Nenyond Twyll, and directly north of the "d" in County Skingrad.
- There is one Dragon's Tongue plant in the ruins of Silorn south east of Skingrad. The plant is located on the right side of the statue.
- There is one Dragon's Tongue in Anvil, near the mermaid statue.
- There are six Dragon's Tongue plants found in the living area of the Frostcrag Spire.
- Three can be found slightly southeast of the Mouth of the Panther.
- There are five Dragon's Tongue Plants under the stairs at Bloodrun Cave.
- There are several Dragon's Tongue in and around Wendelbek, which is east of the Mouth of the Panther.
- There is one Dragon's Tongue Plant outside of Amelion Tomb.