Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Dragon Leap is a Dragonknight ultimate skill in the Draconic Power skill line in The Elder Scrolls Online.


Deals 114 physical damage to enemies within a one-meter radius. All affected enemies are knocked back.

Requirement and cost[]

  • Unlocked at Draconic Power rank 12.
  • Cost: 150 Ultimate


Take Flight[]

  • [?]
  • Update 6: Reduced the cost of this ability to 110 Ultimate, and increased the damage on this ability by 15% for all ranks.[1]
  • Update 9: Adjusted the snare applied to the enemy target (for Dragon Leap and its morphs) to be a 60% snare for 750 milliseconds from a 100% snare for 500 milliseconds.[2]

Ferocious Leap[]

  • [?]
  • Update 6: Reduced the cost of Dragon Leap and the morph Ferocious Leap to 125 Ultimate.[1]
  • Update 6: This ability now applies a damage shield to the caster equal to your maximum health, and also removed the spell resist buff. We also fixed an issue where using this ability was unintentionally allowing you to jump up keep walls.[1]
  • Update 9: Adjusted the snare applied to the enemy target (for Dragon Leap and its morphs) to be a 60% snare for 750 milliseconds from a 100% snare for 500 milliseconds.[2]


  • Update 2: This ability's minimum range requirement has been removed.[3]
  • Update 6: Reduced the cost of Dragon Leap and the morph Ferocious Leap to 125 Ultimate.[1]
  • Update 7: Fixed an issue where the wings for this ability would occasionally not spawn if the ability was used after roll dodging.[4]
  • Update 7: We also fixed an issue where using this ability after hitting an enemy with Petrify would cause issues with the animation.[4]
  • Update 8: A number of abilities, including this one, will now properly display "Target is Immune" messaging if a target is immune to a component of the ability.[5]
  • Update 9: Adjusted the snare applied to the enemy target (for Dragon Leap and its morphs) to be a 60% snare for 750 milliseconds from a 100% snare for 500 milliseconds.[2]
  • Update 9: Fixed an issue where the knockbacks from abilities such as Meteor or Dragon Leap could cause you to take excessive fall damage.[2]


