Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Drain Attribute MW
For other uses, see Drain Attribute.

Drain Attribute is a magic effect in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind that is a member of the Destruction school of magic, governed by Willpower. Its base Magicka cost is 1.00 point.


"This effect temporarily lowers the value of one of a victim's attributes. Only Strength, Intelligence, Willpower, Agility, Speed, Endurance, Personality, and Luck are affected. Any derived attributes are recalculated. Attributes return to their original values when the spell ends. The magnitude is the units of attribute reduced each second of duration."
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Construction Set[src]


The following spells consist of a Drain Attribute effect. They may include additional effects. See articles for details.

Drain Attribute Spells
Name Type Cost
Range Gold Base ID
Ash Woe Blight * Blight Disease 0 20 40 Constant Self ash woe blight
Ash-chancre Blight Disease 0 20 40 Constant Self ash-chancre
Ataxia * Common Disease 0 10 10 Constant Self ataxia
Berserk Power 0 100 100 60 Self orc_beserk
Black-Heart Blight * Blight Disease 0 20 40 Constant Self black-heart blight
Blessings of the Fourth Corner * Spell 23868 1 25 1440 Touch shrine_alddaedroth_sp
Blood Despair Spell 47 7 14 60 Target blood despair
Brown Rot * Common Disease 0 10 10 Constant Self brown rot
Chanthrax Blight * Blight Disease 0 20 40 Constant Self chanthrax blight
Chills * Common Disease 0 10 30 Constant Self chills
Clumsiness Spell 28 5 20 30 Target clumsiness
Clumsy Touch Spell 19 5 20 30 Touch clumsy touch
Collywobbles * Common Disease 0 10 10 Constant Self collywobbles
Corprus * Blight Disease 0 1 1 Constant Self corprus
Crimson Plague TR * Common Disease 0 10 10 Constant Self crimson_plague
Curse Agility Spell 5 2 4 30 Touch curse agility
Curse Endurance Spell 7 2 4 30 Target curse endurance
Curse Intelligence Spell 5 2 4 30 Touch curse intelligence
Curse Luck Spell 5 2 4 30 Touch curse luck
Curse Personality Spell 5 2 4 30 Touch curse personality
Curse Speed Spell 5 2 4 30 Touch curse speed
Curse Strength Spell 5 2 4 30 Touch curse strength
Curse Willpower Spell 5 2 4 30 Touch curse willpower
Dampworm Common Disease 0 10 30 Constant Self dampworm
Distracting Touch Spell 38 5 20 60 Touch distracting touch
Distraction Spell 28 5 20 30 Target distraction
Droops Common Disease 0 10 30 Constant Self droops
Enervate Spell 28 5 20 30 Target enervate
Enervating Touch Spell 19 5 20 30 Touch enervating touch
Ghost Curse Spell 40 5 5 30 Touch Ghost Curse
Ghost Snake * Spell 9 3 7 3 Target ghost_snake
Grave Curse: Agility Spell 14 2 4 60 Target grave curse: agility
Grave Curse: Endurance Spell 14 2 4 60 Target grave curse: endurance
Grave Curse: Intelligence Spell 14 2 4 60 Target grave curse: intelligence
Grave Curse: Luck Spell 14 2 4 60 Target grave curse: luck
Grave Curse: Personality Spell 14 2 4 60 Target grave curse: personality
Grave Curse: Speed Spell 14 2 4 60 Target grave curse: speed
Grave Curse: Strength Spell 14 2 4 60 Target grave curse: strength
Grave Curse: Willpower Spell 14 2 4 60 Target grave curse: willpower
Greenspore Common Disease 0 10 20 Constant Self greenspore
Helljoint * Common Disease 0 10 10 Constant Self helljoint
Lustidrike Cocktail Spell 23 5 5 30 Target lustidrike_cocktail
Misfortunate Touch Spell 19 5 20 30 Touch misfortunate touch
Misfortune Spell 28 5 20 30 Target misfortune
Rattles * Common Disease 0 10 10 Constant Self rattles
Rockjoint Common Disease 0 10 40 Constant Self rockjoint
Rust Chancre * Common Disease 0 10 10 Constant Self rust chancre
Serpiginous Dementia * Common Disease 0 10 10 Constant Self serpiginous dementia
Spite Spell 28 5 20 30 Target spite
Spite Touch Spell 19 5 20 30 Touch spite touch
Strain Spell 28 5 20 30 Target strain
Straining Touch Spell 19 5 20 30 Touch straining touch
Strength Leech Spell 30 20 20 30 Touch strength leech
Swamp Fever * Common Disease 0 10 20 Constant Self swamp fever
Temptation Spell 28 5 20 30 Target temptation
Tempting Touch Spell 19 5 20 30 Touch tempting touch
Torpor Spell 28 5 20 30 Target torpor
Torpor Touch Spell 19 5 20 30 Touch torpor touch
Trespasser's Bane BM * Spell 0 50
600 Touch colony_rug
TouchDrain Agility BM Spell 19 5 20 30 Touch touchdrain agility
Weakening Touch Spell 19 5 20 30 Touch weakening touch
Weakness Spell 28 5 20 30 Target weakness
Wild Clumsiness Spell 56 5 20 60 Target wild clumsiness
Wild Distraction Spell 56 5 20 60 Target wild distraction
Wild Misfortune Spell 84 5 20 90 Target wild misfortune
Wild Spite Spell 84 5 20 90 Target wild spite
Wild Strain Spell 2 1 20 3 Target wild strain
Wild Temptation Spell 2 1 20 3 Target wild temptation
Wild Torpor Spell 28 5 20 30 Target wild torpor
Wild Weakness Spell 2 1 20 3 Target wild weakness
Witbane Common Disease 0 10 40 Constant Self witbane
Wither * Common Disease 0 10 10 Constant Self wither
Yellow Tick * Common Disease 0 10 10 Constant Self yellow tick
Gold = Available for purchase from a spell merchant.
* Inflicts multiple simultaneous Drain Attribute effects.


The following spell merchants are purveyors of one or more spells consisting of a Drain Attribute effect:

Drain Attribute Merchants
Name Faction MS Location Spell(s)
Aldaril Imperial Legion 10 Buckmoth Legion Fort: Interior Temptation
Wild Distraction
Crito Olcinius TR Imperial Cult 18 Mournhold: Royal Palace, Imperial Cult Services Wild Distraction
Diren Vendu Telvanni 10 Tel Mora: Tower Services Wild Distraction
Elynu Saren Tribunal Temple 10 Suran: Temple Blood Despair
Erer Darothril None 40 Sadrith Mora: Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub Torpor
Ervona Barys * Imperial Legion 10 Ebonheart: Hawkmoth Legion Garrison Wild Distraction
Estoril Thieves Guild 10 Ald'ruhn: The Rat in the Pot Distracting Touch
Farena Arelas * Telvanni 10 Tel Uvirith: Arelas' House Blood Despair
Ferise Varo None 15 Vos: Varo Tradehouse Clumsy Touch
Heem-La Mages Guild 10 Ald'ruhn: Mages Guild Distraction
Jeanne Andre TR None 9 Mournhold: Great Bazaar, Magic Shop Blood Despair
Wild Distraction
Laurina Maria TR None 18 Mournhold: Royal Palace, Imperial Cult Services Blood Despair
Llaalam Madalas * Telvanni 10 Sadrith Mora: Llaalam Madalas: Mage Blood Despair
Nebia Amphia Imperial Legion 10 Ebonheart: Hawkmoth Legion Garrison Strength Leech
Orrent Geontene Mages Guild 10 Ald'ruhn: Mages Guild Clumsy Touch
Solea Nuccusius Imperial Legion 10 Moonmoth Legion Fort: Prison Towers Wild Distraction
Sonummu Zabamat Ashlander 10 Zainab Camp: Wise Woman's Yurt Torpor
Ulmiso Maloren Tribunal Temple 10 Ghostgate: Tower of Dawn Lower Level Temptation

* This person's services are available to faction members of a sufficient rank only.


The following items consist of a Drain Attribute effect. They may include additional effects. See articles for details.

Apparel and jewelry[]

Enchanted Apparel and Jewelry
Item Type Magnitude
Item ID
6th House Amulet Amulet 20 20 5 amulet of 6th house
Distraction Ring Ring 1 10 10 distraction ring
Gambolpuddy * Right Glove 15 30 30 extravagant_rt_art_wild
Mantle of Woe BM Robe 100 100 Constant mantle of woe
Robe of Trials * Robe 10 10 30 robe of trials
Sheogorath's Signet Ring Ring 10 10 Constant Sheogorath's Signet Ring

* Inflicts multiple simultaneous Drain Attribute effects.


Enchanted Armor
Item Type Magnitude
Duration Item ID
Goblin Buckler TR * Light Shield 50
Constant goblin_shield_durgok_uni

* Inflicts multiple simultaneous Drain Attribute effects.


First effect ingredients can be consumed raw for the effect. Otherwise they must be combined using Alchemy.

Alchemy Ingredients
Ingredient WeightIcon Gold First Effect Second Effect Third Effect Fourth Effect Item ID
Alit Hide 1.00 5 ingred_alit_hide_01
Ampoule Pod 0.10 2 ingred_bc_ampoule_pod
Ash Salts 0.10 25 ingred_ash_salts_01
Bittergreen Petals 0.10 5 ingred_bittergreen_petals_01
Black Anther 0.10 2 ingred_black_anther_01
Black Lichen 0.10 2 ingred_black_lichen_01
Blood of an Innocent BM 0.10 25 ingred_blood_innocent_unique
Bonemeal 0.20 2 ingred_bonemeal_01
Bungler's Bane 0.50 1 ingred_bc_bungler's_bane
Chokeweed 0.10 1 ingred_chokeweed_01
Coda Flower 0.10 23 ingred_bc_coda_flower
Corprus Weepings 0.10 50 ingred_corprus_weepings_01
Daedra's Heart 1.00 200 ingred_daedras_heart_01
Diamond 0.20 250 ingred_diamond_01
Dreugh Wax 0.20 100 ingred_dreugh_wax_01
Ectoplasm 0.10 10 ingred_ectoplasm_01
Emerald 0.20 150 ingred_emerald_01
Frost Salts 0.10 75 ingred_frost_salts_01
Gold Kanet 0.10 5 ingred_gold_kanet_01
Gravedust 0.10 1 ingred_gravedust_01
Gravetar BM 0.10 5 ingred_gravetar_01
Green Lichen 0.10 1 ingred_green_lichen_01
Heather 0.10 1 ingred_heather_01
Heart of an Innocent BM 1.00 10 ingred_innocent_heart
Heart of the Udyrfrykte BM 5.00 300 ingred_udyrfrykte_heart
Heart of the Wolf BM 1.00 100 ingred_wolf_heart
Heartwood BM 1.00 200 ingred_heartwood_01
Human Flesh 1.00 1 ingred_human_meat_01
Hypha Facia 0.10 1 ingred_bc_hypha_facia
Kresh Fiber 0.10 1 ingred_kresh_fiber_01
Marshmerrow 0.10 1 ingred_marshmerrow_01
Meadow Rye TR 1.00 1 Ingred_meadow_rye_01
Moon Sugar 0.10 50 ingred_moon_sugar_01
Muck 0.10 1 ingred_muck_01
Netch Leather 1.00 1 ingred_netch_leather_01
Nirthfly Stalks TR 1.00 1 Ingred_nirthfly_stalks_01
Pearl 0.20 100 ingred_pearl_01
Pinetear BM 0.20 50 ingred_emerald_pinetear
Racer Plumes 0.10 20 ingred_racer_plumes_01
Raw Ebony 10.00 200 ingred_raw_ebony_01
Raw Glass 2.00 200 ingred_raw_glass_01
Red Lichen 0.10 25 ingred_red_lichen_01
Roland's Tear 0.10 5 ingred_gold_kanet_unique
Roobrush 0.10 1 ingred_roobrush_01
Ruby 0.20 200 ingred_ruby_01
Saltrice 0.10 1 ingred_saltrice_01
Scales 0.20 2 ingred_scales_01
Scathecraw 0.10 2 ingred_scathecraw_01
Scrib Cabbage TR 1.00 1 Ingred_scrib_cabbage_01
Shalk Resin 0.10 50 ingred_shalk_resin_01
Sload Soap 0.10 50 ingred_sload_soap_01
Spore Pod 0.10 1 ingred_bc_spore_pod
Stoneflower Petals 0.10 1 ingred_stoneflower_petals_01
Trama Root 0.10 10 ingred_trama_root_01
Treated Bittergreen Petals 0.10 10 ingred_treated_bittergreen_uniq
Void Salts 0.10 50 ingred_void_salts_01
Willow Anther 0.10 10 ingred_willow_anther_01
Wolfsbane Petals BM 0.10 5 ingred_wolfsbane_01

Potions and scrolls[]

Potions and Scrolls
Item Type WeightIcon Gold Magnitude
Item ID
Greef Potion 5.00 30 20 20 60 potion_comberry_brandy_01
Mazte * Potion 5.00 10 20 20 60 Potion_Local_Brew_01
Nord Mead BM Potion 1.00 80 30 30 60 potion_nord_mead
Scroll of Grey Despair Scroll 0.20 112 15 25 20 sc_greydespair
Scroll of Grey Fate Scroll 0.20 112 15 25 20 sc_greyfate
Scroll of Grey Mind Scroll 0.20 112 15 25 20 sc_greymind
Scroll of Grey Scorn Scroll 0.20 112 15 25 20 sc_greyscorn
Scroll of Grey Sloth Scroll 0.20 112 15 25 20 sc_greysloth
Scroll of Grey Weakness Scroll 0.20 112 15 25 20 sc_greyweakness
Shein Potion 3.00 10 10 10 60 potion_comberry_wine_01
Skooma * Potion 1.00 500 20 20 60 potion_skooma_01
Spoiled Cure Disease Potion Potion 1.00 10 15 15 40 p_drain willpower_q
Spoiled Cure Poison Potion Potion 1.00 10 15 15 40 p_drain_speed_q
Spoiled Potion of Swift Swim Potion 1.00 10 15 15 40 p_drain_intelligence_q
Spoiled SlowFall Potion Potion 1.00 10 15 15 40 p_drain_agility_q
Sujamma Potion 3.00 30 50 50 60 potion_local_liquor_01
Vintage Brandy Potion 1.00 500 30 30 360 p_vintagecomberrybrandy1

* Inflicts multiple simultaneous Drain Attribute effects when used.


Weapon damage varies by attack type (chop, slash, or thrust). Refer to individual articles for detailed information.

Enchanted Weapons
Weapon Type Magnitude
Item ID
Ebony Spear (unique "Kill Gordol" quest reward) Spear 10 10 Instant ebony spear_hrce_unique
Greed Spear 5 5 Constant Greed
Silver Staff of Reckoning Blunt 2H 1 10 10 silver staff of reckoning
Sword of Agustas Long Blade 2H 1 10 Instant claymore_Agustas
Veloth's Judgement Blunt 2H 25 25 10 daedric warhammer_ttgd
daedric warhammer_ttgd_x

See also[]

