Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

For other uses, see Dwarven Armor.

Dwarven Armor is a piece of heavy armor and part of the Dwarven Armor set found in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.


Unenchanted armor will begin to appear throughout Skyrim at level 12 and enchanted variants can be found at level 13. These locations include:

Fixed locations[]

  • Nchuand-Zel – A full set of Dwarven Armor behind an expert locked gate in the Nchuand-Zel Armory.


Dwarven Armor requires a Smithing level of 30 and the Dwarven Smithing perk to forge. It can be crafted at a blacksmith's forge with the following components:

It can be upgraded with a Dwarven Metal Ingot at a workbench and also benefits from the Dwarven Smithing perk, which doubles the improvement.

See also[]

