Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

An East Empire Pendant is an amulet found in The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn. They were made exclusively for the East Empire Company during the Third Era. The company gave them to their workers as a reward for extra effort. By the Fourth Era, they were no longer being made, and have become a collector's item.[1] There are 33 East Empire Pendants in total.


Pain in the Necklace[]

These pendants can be sold to Fethis Alor in Raven Rock for 500 Gold each, as part of his miscellaneous quest "Pain in the Necklace." There are 33 pendants in total, and there is no additional reward for turning in all the pendants other than the 500 Gold reward for each one submitted to Alor.


They can be found all across Solstheim inside an East Empire Company Strongbox.

Location Description Image
Alor House*
It is located on a table next to the pieces of bread, go down the stairs to the basement and turn left EECSB AlorHouse
Ashfallow Citadel
On a bookshelf just after entering. EECSB AshfallowCitadel
In the great hall, in the large chamber room, 2nd floor, on top a barrel. EECSB Benkongerike
Bristleback Cave
On a barrel, deep inside the cave. EECSB BristlebackCave
Brodir Grove
DLC2SolstheimWorld 10,10
On a wooden crate. EECSB BrodirGrove
Broken Tusk Mine
DLC2SolstheimWorld 5,19
Outside the mine, on a crate beneath a guard tower. EECSB BrokenTuskMine
Caerellius House*
In the first room on a stone shelf to the right of the cooking pot. EECSB CreciusHouse
Fort Frostmoth
Left building, on a bookshelf to the left. EECSB FortFrostmoth
Back of the cave, on the ground next to a Riekling Hut, just after the claw trap. EECSB Frossel
Glacial Cave
DLC2SolstheimWorld 11,22
Outside, near the entrance. EECSB GlacialCave
Glover Mallory's House*
On a table directly after entering. (Go forward a little, then look right.) EECSB GloverMalloryHouse
Haknir's Shoal
DLC2SolstheimWorld 16,19
Inside one of the tents. EECSB Haknir'sShoal
Horker Island
DLC2SolstheimWorld 22,17
NE coast of the island is a sunken ship broken in half. In the water next to a chest. EECSB HorkerIsland
Hrodulf's House
DLC2SolstheimWorld 10,4
Inside a cabinet. EECSB Hrodulf'sHouse
Moesring Pass
DLC2SolstheimWorld 10,16
On an end table. EECSB MoesringPass
Morvayn Manor*
Top floor. EECSB MorvaynManor
Northern Maiden
DLC2SolstheimWorld 7,8
Under the dock beside the Northern Maiden in Raven Rock. EECSB NorthernMaiden
Northshore Landing
DLC2SolstheimWorld 6,22
In the hut, on a shelf. EECSB NorthshoreLanding
Ramshackle Trading Post
DLC2SolstheimWorld 14,10
Outside on a crate to the left of the shack. EECSB RamshackleTradingPost
Raven Rock Mine
2x - One can be found beneath a table, up the stairs in the first room. The other can be found to the right of the iron gate which must be opened with a key. EECSB RavenRockMine1
EECSB RavenRockMine2
Raven Rock Temple
In the Temple Ancestral Tomb, partly buried in the northern most burial mound. EECSB TempleTomb
The Bulwark*
On a table at the end, to the right. EECSB Bulwark
The Retching Netch*
Behind the bar. EECSB TheRetchingNetch
Wreck of the Strident Squall
DLC2SolstheimWorld 8,2
On a shelf in the cargo hold. EECSB StridentSquall

*The asterisks indicate these boxes are owned, and thus lockpicking them, and subsequently, acquiring their contents, will charge the player a bounty. The only exception is if the player has gained the trust of the owner.

Unmarked locations[]

Location Description Image
Giant Nirnroot Island
DLC2SolstheimWorld 19,24
In the boat. EECSB NirnrootIsland
Riekling Island
DLC2SolstheimWorld 16,22
North of Haknir's Shoal, in the watchtower. EECSB RieklingIsland
Usha's Camp
DLC2SolstheimWorld 16,11
Unmarked camp north of Ashfallow Citadel. Follow the stream north of Ashfallow into the mountains, where a blocked wooden gate can be found. Jump around the side of the mountain over the gate and to Usha's camp. EECSB Usha'sCamp
Near Ashfallow Citadel
DLC2SolstheimWorld 15,9
Unmarked Reaver camp south west of Ashfallow Citadel and southeast of Ramshackle Trading Post. EECSB ReaverCampAshfallow
Near Vahlok's Tomb
DLC2SolstheimWorld 17,12
Unmarked Dunmer camp east of Vahlok's Tomb. Slightly east of the Tomb then just a tad south, up on the cliff. EECSB OutsideVahlok'sTomb
Near Water Stone
DLC2SolstheimWorld 6,14
Unmarked location south east of the Water Stone - On the ridge above, in an area surrounded by booby trapped barrels. EECSB TrappedBarrels
Near Frostmoon Crag
DLC2SolstheimWorld 9,14
Unmarked Shrine of Zenithar northwest of Frostmoon Crag - Follow the canyon northwest of the Altar of Thrond. At Moesring Pass, turn left down the mountain, you should find the shrine with two Corundum Ores and the strongbox lying on the snow nearby.  EECSB ShrineZenithar
Near Hrothmund's Barrow
DLC2SolstheimWorld 10,18
Unmarked Reaver camp, very near to Hrothmund's Barrow. The camp can be found on the cliffside just southwest of the Barrow. The box is on the ground behind a crate where another locked strongbox is located. There is a Skaal Hat and a Fur Helmet here. EECSB NearHrothmund'sBarrow



  1. Dialogue with Fethis Alor