Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

For other uses, see Ebony Helmet.

Ebony Helmet is a piece of Ebony Armor available in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Its armor rating depends on the character's Heavy Armor skill. In early game it can be obtained by killing Umbra and taking her armor. However, if obtained prior to attaining level 15, it will have the same armor value as Orcish Armor.

Otherwise, it can only be found as leveled loot on enemy characters starting at level 15.

Magical variants[]

These versions are only found as random loot and may appear starting at level 17.

Name ID Gold Enchantment
Helmet of the Hunter 0004F3F1 1825 Detect Life 85 ft
Helmet of the Mage 0004789E 8150 Fortify Magicka 20pts
Spell Absorption 14%
Helmet of Spell Resistance 0004F403 2500 Resist Magic 13%
Seastrider's Helmet 0002ADD1 2550 Water Breathing

