- For other uses, see Ebony War Axe.
- Main article: Ebony Weapons (Skyrim)
The Ebony War Axe is a one-handed weapon available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
Unenchanted ebony war axes generally begin to appear throughout Skyrim at level 36 and enchanted war axes can be found at level 37. However, they can appear at levels as low as 5, but this is very rare. These locations include:
- Blacksmiths and general goods merchants.
- Wielded by various characters or enemies, particularly Draugr Deathlords and Draugr Death Overlords.
- Found as random loot in chests or as a world item throughout Skyrim.
- Dead Men's Respite – After initiating "Tending the Flames" from the Bards College, one may be dropped by Olaf One-Eye (At level 21, Olaf One-Eye will have an Ebony Sword or Ebony War Axe).
- Arcwind Point – The boss draugr may carry one at higher levels.
- Temple of Miraak DR - The Gatekeeper DR always carries a one-handed ebony weapon, either an Ebony sword or Ebony war axe.
- The draugr death overlord at the end of the Volskygge ruin always carries an ebony weapon, which could either be an Ebony sword or ebony war axe.
This war axe requires a Smithing level of 80 and the Ebony Smithing perk to create. It is made at a blacksmith's forge with the following components:
- 2 x Ebony Ingots
- 2 x Leather Strips
It can be upgraded with an ebony ingot at a grindstone and also benefits from the Ebony Smithing perk, which doubles the improvement.
- The ebony war axe is equal to its Daedric war axe counterpart in statistics, aside from a lower weight, making upgrading to Daedric a matter of personal preference rather than of statistical superiority.
- The ebony war axe also has the same base damage as the Stalhrim war axe, but weighs slightly more.