Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"I am Edrien, the Queen's mage and counselor."
―Edrien Geornis[src]

Edrien Geornis is a Breton mage serving as the counselor to the Bloodfall Queen.


The Bloodfall Queen[]

Edrien is first encountered during this quest.

High Treason[]

Edrien is accused of high treason for being a traitor to the Queen.


The Bloodfall Queen

"I am Edrien, the Queen's mage and counselor. We've heard some unsettling rumors about you, Warrior."

They're all true. "I'm finding this a bit hard to believe. For starters, you don't appear to be eight feet tall."
Don't believe everything you hear. "True. I imagine there are some rumors about myself I'd find less than flattering."

"Did you have a question for me?"

Where are you from? "I am from the city of Camlorn, on the western coast of High Rock. I arrived a few years ago, seeking a fair and just monarch to serve. Fortunately, I found such a ruler here."
What do you think caused the town fire? "Ah, yes. A terrible tragedy, certainly. As to what caused it, it's hard for me to say. It sounds like some sort of magical enchantment which released its energy when the statue was damaged. However, it's unlikely that incident has anything to do with our undead troubles."
Not for now. "Very well."
High Treason

"Ah, Warrior, good to see you again. Did you have a question for me?"

I'm here for the Queen. "Of course, of course...don't mind me."

After informing the Queen:

"My queen! Don't believe these lies! I have always been your loyal subject!"

Save your breath, necromancer! "Curse you, Warrior! Curse you to Oblivion!"

After defeating Edrien's Skeleton Knights:

"No, wait, don't kill me! I can help you!"

Better make it good. "I could tell you the secret to eternal life, how to remain healthy and strong without effort!"
Why don't I just turn you over to the Queen? "She'll torture me!"
See? Maybe you can be of use after all.

If approached again:

"You'll regret this! The Sorcerer-King will feast on your soul!"

