Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Egg Poachers is a Fighters Guild quest in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.


  1. Speak to Eydis Fire-Eye about orders.
  2. Go to the Shulk Egg Mine and kill both of the egg poachers.
  3. Report back to Eydis.
  4. Tell Dram Bero that both of the egg poachers are dead. (Optional)


After completing the Exterminator quest, talking to Eydis Fire-Eye will start the next quest. She mentions that a couple of ex-miners are stealing kwama eggs from the Shulk Egg Mine and that the mine's owner, Dram Bero, wants to make an example of them, insinuating that he wants them killed. The egg poachers are Daynila Valas and Sevilo Othan, longtime town troublemakers.

To get to the Shulk Egg Mine, follow the river south-west from Balmora, until seeing a campfire and two egg miners standing outside of the mine. Enter the egg mine and go inside, turn right at the open area, and proceed inside the kwama queen's lair and kill Daynil and Sevilo, who are hostile on sight. After killing both of the egg poachers, report back to Eydis to complete the quest and obtain a reward. It is possible to also tell Dram Bero that both of the egg poachers are dead and thus obtain an increase in his Disposition, but this is optional.

This quest is especially easy for Bosmer, as they can command a nearby kwama to help them fight Daynil and Sevilo.


Egg Poachers – FG_Egg_Poachers
ID Journal Entry
1 Sevilo Othan and Daynila Valas, former egg miners and local troublemakers, are poaching eggs from Shulk Egg Mine. Report back to Eydis when they're dead.
  • Quest accepted
10 Eydis Fire-Eye tells me that the eggmine is located a short distance southwest of Balmora, in the bluffs west of the Odai River. The old suspension bridge across the Odai is just southeast of the mine entrance. I'm to follow the river south of Balmora until I see the bridge overhead.
100 I reported taking care of the egg poachers at Shulk Egg mine, and Eydis Fire-Eye paid me 100 gold, and gave me some extra potions.
  • Quest completed

