Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Elder Elsaril is a Bosmer residing at The Moonless Walk in Coldharbour. She is one of the four leaders of the Shadow Walkers clan.


The Shadow's Embrace[]

Convince a bosmer clan to betray Molag Bal.


The Shadow's Embrace[]

"You poor child! Dealing with those disgusting lamias as you navigated the Moonless Walk must have been so unnerving. Such horrible creatures!
Now, sad little Faraniel mentioned that you bring us news from Nirn. What is it?"

Molag Bal plans to destroy Nirn. His invasion has already begun. "Such terrible news! But how can I know that what you say is true? It makes no sense.
Why would Molag Bal destroy our beautiful and beloved Valenwood?"
Maybe a song and dance would convince you? You have to trust me! [?]
Look, I'm not an idiot who came to Coldharbour for fun and relaxation! I came to stop Molag Bal! [?]
I'm so sorry, but I've seen the Daedric anchors. Thousands have already died. You must believe me. "The poor animals that roam the Valenwood [sic] [Do not change this to Valenwood. This misspelled word is how it appears in-game.] … the people. I … shall consider what you have told me and pray for an end to the pain and suffering.
Thank you for sharing this news with me."

