Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Elder Inril is one of the four leaders of the Shadow Walkers clan found at The Moonless Walk.


The Shadow's Embrace[]

Convince a bosmer clan to betray Molag Bal.


The Shadow's Embrace[]

"You've accomplished much, outsider. Survived the Moonless Walk, performed an honor deed. Well done!
I shall listen to your words and consider them with great respect. I promise you this much, at least. Now tell me. Why are you here?"

Molag Bal has lied to you. He'll never let you leave. Help me and you can return to Valenwood. "You must understand. To simply accept the word of an outsider, to turn our backs on everything we believe. You ask much, stranger.
Still, Faraniel has been insistent about the very same concern. Tell me something to sway my opinion."
Open your eyes and stop being a fool. Molag Bal is destroying Nirn even as we speak. [?]
Molag Bal's throwing a party of destruction, but you weren't invited. [?]
My lady, Coldharbour's chains rip through Nirn. Valenwood will be destroyed unless we do something. "This news ... disturbs me.
Thank you for sharing this information with us. Speak to the other elders while I consider what you have said."

