Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"Elvil Vidron in Suran claims to be the Nerevarine, and makes prophecies of doom. Clearly he is a heretic."
Tuls Valen[src]

Elvil Vidron is a Dunmer Commoner who lives in Suran and believes himself to be the Nerevarine.


False Incarnate[]

Elvil Vidron believes he is the incarnate of the Nerevarine. The actual Nerevarine must either convince Vidron he is not through persuasion, by showing him the Moon-and-Star artifact, or the Nerevarine may kill him.


False Incarnate

"Red Mountain spreads ash and blight! Sinners gather at the House! The time of the Incarnate is at hand!"

False Incarnate "You disbelieve? I know my destiny. And you will have a hard time proving otherwise. I have seen the message in the dream. Have you not also experienced the waking dream?"
I don't know what you're talking about. "You cannot harm me, pawn of the Temple! Leave before I prove the truth of my prophecies on your flesh!"
Yes. But you are not the one I envisioned. "Who then, if not myself? The dreams are unyielding! Every day, every night! I must be the one... I must... No, your words are not convincing enough."
Yes. But you are not the one I envisioned. (At a sufficient disposition) "Who then, if not myself? There must be a meaning to these dreams. Perhaps you are right... Your words have guided me. I will seek penance for my sins. Forgive me and thank you."

If approached again:

"I will no longer claim to be the Incarnate."

False Incarnate "I have seen the error of my ways, Nerevarine (Player name). Your wisdom has guided me through the most disturbing time."

