Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Elysana's Robe is a main quest in The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall.


Princess Elysana has asked me to bring a robe to the elder member of the Wayrest Elder Council, Lord Castellian...


  1. Speak with Princess Elysana in Castle Wayrest
  2. Deliver the robe to Lord Castellian
  3. Escape the town
  4. Return to Esysana


Once the Agent has reached level 6 and approaches Princess Elysana in Castle Wayrest she will introduce herself and inquire about whether you are available to deliver a robe for her to the elder member of the Elder Council, Lord Castellian, at his manor in a town which the game chooses at random and then return, all within 6 days of time. Once the robe is delivered, and Lord Castellian equips his new robe, The Agent will be greeted with a notification detailing a sound described as if something were to tear the fabric of reality open. Three Daedra Seducers will be summoned and attack Lord Castellian who in turn will perish and leave behind an unlootable bloody corpse. This will incur the wrath of Lord Castellians knights and spellswords who will attack you and chase you out of town. Once The Agent returns to the Princess, she will thank you, and give you a gift of jewelry, along with more information regarding the fate of the late King Lysandus and the Totem of Tiber Septim.



Journal entry
[DATE]: Princess Elysana has asked me to bring a robe to the elder member of the Wayrest Elder Council, Lord Castellian at his manor in [TOWN], [LOCATION]. I need to be back at Castle Wayrest in 6 days.

