Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
"When your opponent takes damage, effect increases for the turn."
―Game Terms[src]

Empower is a gameplay mechanic in The Elder Scrolls: Legends added with the Alliance War expansion.


The following list includes cards with the keyword itself, as well as any cards that are related to it:

Name Attributes Power Health Cost Type Subtype Rarity Text
Icon legends willpower Willpower 2 Action Epic Give your Activated supports 1 extra use.
Empower: +1 use.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends willpower Willpower
Icon legends agility Agility
6 Action Epic Summon a 1/1 Recruit in each lane and give them Guard.
Empower: +1/+1.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence 3 Action Common Deal 3 damage to a creature.
Empower: +1 damage.
Icon legends agility Agility 7 Action Epic Give all creatures -2/-2.
Empower: Costs 1 less.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 3 Action Common Destroy a creature with 1 power or less.
Empower: +1 power.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 2 3 2 Creature Khajiit Epic When Mystic of Ancient Rites Empowers an action in your hand, the Empower bonus does not expire at the end of turn.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence 5 Action Legendary For each attribute your opponent is playing, Banish the top 2 cards of your opponent's deck.
Empower: +1 card per attribute.
Icon legends agility Agility 5 Action Common Draw two cards.
Empower: Costs 1 less.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 4 Action Rare Summon a random 2-cost creature.
Empower: +1 cost creature.

See also[]

