Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Enchanter is a non-playable class comprised of people who practice the art of enchanting items with magic effects. The majority of Enchanters are professionals who offer their services to the fellow faction members or the public to earn a living. They typically sell a number of pre-enchanted items in addition to allowing the creation of custom enchantments.

Gold paid for enchanting fees is added to the gold supply the merchant has available for purchases. As with Spellcrafting, the player must choose the Range, Duration and Magnitude of the effect.

Enchanters usually buy anything that can be enchanted: weapons, clothing, jewelry, armor and paper. They buy books and soul gems. In an economy which offers fewer sources for soul gems than in later games, they are the most reliable.

List of Enchanters[]



The following people are members of the Enchanter class in Morrowind and expansion packs. Their enchanting skills are not available for hire.

Morrowind – Enchanter
Name Faction E Location
Galos Mathendis Telvanni 53  Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House
Ignatius Flaccus TR None 85  Mournhold, Godsreach: Ignatius Flaccus' House
Llunela Hleran Telvanni  60   Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House: Hermitage
Olquar Imperial Cult 57  Buckmoth Legion Fort
Tarhiel None 6  Seyda Neen, along the road north of town
Tolmera Relenim Hlaalu 47  Vivec: Telvanni Canton, Telvanni Tower
Trerayna Dalen Telvanni 50  Tel Branora, wanders outdoors

Enchanter Service[]

The following people are members of the Enchanter Service class in Morrowind and expansion packs. They offer bartering services in addition to enchanting items for a fee.

Morrowind – Enchanter Service
Name Faction E M Gold Location
Alenus Vendu Telvanni 54 10 1,300  Tel Vos, Services Tower
Audenian Valius Telvanni 48 16 850  Vivec: Telvanni Canton, Telvanni Enchanter
Barusi Venim Telvanni 50 10 1,200  Tel Aruhn, Tower Living Quarters
Crulius Pontanian Imperial Cult 54 10 1,300  Moonmoth Legion Fort
Dabienne Mornardl Mages Guild 44 10 800  Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall: Mages Guild
Elbert Nermarc TR None 78 40 6,000  Mournhold, Godsreach: Craftsmen's Hall
Faras Thirano Tribunal Temple 58 10 1,400  Ghostgate, Tower of Dawn: Lower Level
Felayn Andral None 52  20  1,000  Holamayan Monastery
Folms Mirel * Mages Guild 56 10 1,050  Caldera, Mages Guild
Galar Rothan Telvanni 50 10 900  Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House: Entry
Galbedir Mages Guild 44 10 900  Balmora, Mages Guild
Hlendrisa Seleth Telvanni 59 10 1,700  Tel Uvirith, Seleth's House
Ilen Faveran Tribunal Temple 48 10 750  Balmora, Temple
Janand Maulinie Mages Guild 44 10 650  Vivec: Foreign Quarter, Mages Guild
Llandris Thirandus Tribunal Temple 52 10 900  Vivec: Temple Canton, High Fane
Llether Vari None  58  10  2,000   Ald'ruhn, Llether Vari: Enchanter
Maren Uvaren None 52 20 750  Tel Aruhn, Maren Uvaren: Enchanter
Miraso Seran Tribunal Temple 44 10 800  Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House: Entry
Miun-Gei None 62 7 1,500  Vivec: Foreign Quarter, Miun-Gei: Enchanter
Sauleius Cullian Imperial Cult 47 10 750  Ebonheart, Imperial Chapels
Tanar Llervi Mages Guild 44 10 800  Ald'ruhn, Mages Guild
Ureso Drath  Tribunal Temple  44 10 775  Ald'ruhn, Temple

* This person's services are available to faction members of a sufficient rank only.

Two people offer enchanting services, but are not members of the class:



