Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Erabenimsun Nerevarine is one of the quests in the main questline of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, after "The Path of the Incarnate."


"A stranger's hand united the Velothi. Four Tribes call him Nerevarine."
The Seven Visions[src]



Manirai II


Note (1): The quest to become the Ashlander's Nerevarine runs in conjunction with the similar quests to become Hortator of the Great Houses. Although, Sul-Matuul will advise to wait until being the Hortator of all houses before becoming Ahemmusa Nerevarine, Zainab Nerevarine, Erabenimsun Nerevarine and Urshilaku Nerevarine, as this will make many people's Disposition for the Nerevarine drop.
Note (2): The order in which these tribes are visited and declare the Hero as Nerevarine does not affect the development of the main questline.

After asking for counsel to Sul-Matuul or Nibani Maesa, from the Urshilaku Tribe, the Nerevarine will learn that the only person in the Erabenimsun Tribe who will help the Hero is Manirai, the Wise Woman of the Erabenimsun. She can be found in her yurt within the Erabenimsun Camp. The camp is located southwest of Tel Fyr, northwest of the Daedric Shrine of Tusenend on main land Vvardenfell. Nibani will mark the location on the Nerevarine's map.


Once there, Manirai will inform the Nerevarine that there are two different Erabenimsun people, the "war-loving" and the "peace-loving" Erabenimsun. The current leader, the Ashkhan, a "war-loving Erabenimsun," Ulath-Pal, is an incompetent arrogant and will never agree to naming the Hero Erabenimsun Nerevarine. She therefore suggests that Ulath-Pal, and his supporters, be defeated, so that a new Ashkhan can be named.

Ulath-Pal and his supporters[]



Note: There is no penalty if the Nerevarine attacks first Ulath-Pal and his Supporters.

Ulath-Pal can be found within the Ashkhan's Yurt, along with his supporter Ahaz. The other supporters of Ulath-Pal, Ranabi and Ashu-Ahhe, can be found in their respective Yurts in the Camp. Three of them own an enchanted item, which must be looted from them.

After dealing with the four "war-loving Erabenimsun," the Nerevarine must return to Manirai.

Gulakhan Han-Ammu[]

The Nerevarine is told by Manirai to persuade Han-Ammu, a Gulakhan of the tribe, to become the new Ashkhan. However, when speaking to Han-Ammu, it is revealed that he is not keen to become the Ashkhan, largely due to the fact that he thinks he does not possess the attributes of a warrior and a leader. In order to persuade him to become the Ashkhan, the Nerevarine must give him three items: the War Axe of Airan Ammu, Sanit-Kil's Heart of Fire and the Robe of Erur-Dan the Wise, all of which were previously looted from the dead "war-loving Erabenimsun." Once these items are given to Han-Ammu, along with a speech, he agrees to become the Ashkhan and will grant the Hero the title of Erabenimsun Nerevarine. The Nerevarine may then return to Manirai to receive the Seizing of the Erabenimsun.



Erabenimsun Nerevarine – B4_KillWarLovers
ID Journal Entry
1 I asked Ashkhan Ulath-Pal of the Erabenimsun to name me Nerevarine. He mocked me as a hound and a foreign fool, and he said he would kill me with his own hand if I ever troubled him again.
  • Quest accepted
5 I told the Erabenimsun wise woman Manirai that I wish to be named Nerevarine by her tribe. She said this will never happen, not while Ashkhan Ulath-Pal and his supporters live. She says that if I want to be Nerevarine of the Erabenimsun, I must kill Ulath-Pal and his supporters, the gulakhans Ahaz, Ranabi, and Ashu-Ahhe. Then I must raise Gulakhan Han-Ammu to Ashkhan. Ashkhan Han-Ammu would then name me Nerevarine Erabenimsun.
10 Manirai says that now, with Ulath-Pal and his supporters out of the way, it is a simple matter to be named Nerevarine of the Erabenimsun. All I need to do is persuade Gulakhan Han-Ammu to become the ashkhan of the Erabenimsun. I'll find him in his gulakyurt. She warned me, however, that he may be difficult to persuade.
35 I spoke to Han-Ammu and made a little speech about having the courage to accept responsibilities of ashkhan, because the fate of the tribe is in his hands. He has taken the lesson to heart, and has accepted his responsibilities as ashkhan. He also said that he will name me Nerevarine of the Erabenimsun. I must ask him to do this immediately.
40 I have given Han-Ammu the War Axe of Airan-Ammu, Sanit-Kil's Heart of Fire, and the Robe of Erur-Dan the Wise, and I have persuaded him to accept his responsibilities as ashkhan of the Erabenimsun. He has also agreed to name me Nerevarine of the Erabenimsun. I must ask him to do this immediately.
41 I have given Han-Ammu the War Axe of Airan-Ammu and Sanit-Kil's Heart of Fire, but he asked me to keep the Robe of Erur-Dan the Wise for myself. And by these tokens, I have persuaded him to accept his responsibilities as ashkhan of the Erabenimsun. He has also agreed to name me Nerevarine of the Erabenimsun. I must ask him to do this immediately.
42 I have given Han-Ammu the War Axe of Airan-Ammu and the Robe of Erur-Dan the Wise, but he asked me to keep Sanit-Kil's Heart of Fire for myself. And by these tokens, I have persuaded him to accept his responsibilities as ashkhan of the Erabenimsun. He has also agreed to name me Nerevarine of the Erabenimsun. I must ask him to do this immediately.
43 I have given Han-Ammu Sanit-Kil's Heart of Fire and the Robe of Erur-Dan the Wise, but he asked me to keep the War Axe of Airan-Ammu for myself. And by these tokens, I have persuaded him to accept his responsibilities as ashkhan of the Erabenimsun. He has also agreed to name me Nerevarine of the Erabenimsun. I must ask him to do this immediately.
50 Han-Ammu, now Ashkhan of the Erabenimsun, has named me Erabenimsun Nerevarine, Champion of the Erabenimsun, and Protector of the People. I must also go to wise woman Manirai and get from her the Seizing of the Erabenimsun, an enchanted heirloom of the tribe, which shall be a sign to all Dunmer that the Erabenimsun have named me Nerevarine.
55 Wise Woman Manirai has given me the Seizing of the Erabenimsun, an enchanted token that identifies me as Nerevarine and Champion of the Erabenimsun.
Erabenimsun Nerevarine – B4_ErabenimsunKill
1 I have slain a peace-loving Erabenimsun Ashlander. Now it will be impossible to have friendly dealings with the peace-loving Erabenimsun or their leaders..
  • Quest completed
Erabenimsun Nerevarine – B4_HeartFire
1 I have given Han-Ammu the Sanit-Kil's Heart of Fire and made a little speech about courage and symbols and responsibility. I believe he has taken the lesson to heart, and will consider accepting his responsibilities as ashkhan, and consider naming me Nerevarine.
  • Quest completed
5 I gave Han-Ammu the Sanit-Kil's Heart of Fire and made a little speech about courage and symbols and responsibility. I believe he has taken the lesson to heart, and will consider accepting his responsibilities as ashkhan, and consider naming me Nerevarine. But he said he didn't need the amulet, and he let me keep it.
  • Quest completed
Erabenimsun Nerevarine – B4_Robe
1 I have given Han-Ammu the Robe of Erur-Dan the Wise and made a little speech about wisdom and symbols and responsibility. I believe he has taken the lesson to heart, and will consider accepting his responsibilities as ashkhan, and consider naming me Nerevarine.
  • Quest completed
5 I gave Han-Ammu the Robe of Erur-Dan the Wise and made a little speech about wisdom and symbols and responsibility. I believe he has taken the lesson to heart, and will consider accepting his responsibilities as ashkhan, and consider naming me Nerevarine. But he said he does not need the robe, and he asked me to keep it.
  • Quest completed
Erabenimsun Nerevarine – B4_WarAxe
1 I have given Han-Ammu the War Axe of Airan-Ammu and made a little speech about strength and symbols and responsibility. I believe he has taken the lesson to heart, and will consider accepting his responsibilities as ashkhan, and consider naming me Nerevarine.
  • Quest completed
5 I gave Han-Ammu the War Axe of Airan-Ammu and made a little speech about strength and symbols and responsibility. I believe he has taken the lesson to heart, and will consider accepting his responsibilities as ashkhan, and consider naming me Nerevarine. But he says he doesn't need the axe, and that I should keep it for myself.
  • Quest completed
Erabenimsun Nerevarine – B4_WarLoverKiller
1 I have slain one of the war-loving Erabenimsun Ashlanders. But perhaps it would have been impossible to have friendly dealings with them or their leaders, anyway.
  • Quest completed


  • This quest can be completely bypassed if the Nerevarine has a reputation above 50 (and is level 20 or higher) at the end of The Path of the Incarnate.
    • This applies to all of the Nerevarine and Hortator naming quests
  • Han-Ammu can be persuaded with only one item and a speech if the Nerevarine has a Speechcraft above 50 (and Han-Ammu's disposition towards the Nerevarine is also above 50).
    • If Han-Ammu's disposition is above 90 then only two of the listed items are required (regardless of Speechcraft skill).
  • The Nerevarine may be attacked by Tinti and Hairan if the quest "Marsus Tullius' Missing Hides" has been completed. No knock-on effects result should the Nerevarine kill them.

